Title: Tango del Amor | Author: Lorelei Sieja | Added: 06-25-01 |
Summary: #10 in Dance series- The dance for lovers... but who wil dance with Nick? | Size: 254.08k |
Title: Tap Dance | Author: Lorelei Sieja | Added: 06-25-01 |
Summary: #7
in Dance series- Nick's recovery is prolonged and his patience wears thin.
Tracy spreads her wings and meets another brother in her new family. |
Size: 192.54k |
Title: That Old Black Magic | Author: Cousin Mary | Added: 05-22-01 |
Summary: An alternate 3rd season episode. | Size: 81.84k |
Title: Thoughts on Togetherness at Three in the Morning | Author: Ell Hase | Added: 08-31-01 |
Summary: I've often wondered what would happen if Nick got his wish, truly became mortal and "real life" set in. I've also often thought that Nick's vampiric charisma and "unavailability" as lover was part of the attraction for Natalie. That's how this story came about. ADULT | Size: 3.45k |
Title: Through a Glass, Darkly | Author: Diane Harris | Added: 06-04-01 |
Summary: What would happen if Nick were given what he's always wanted? | Size: 180.72k |
Title: Ticket to Ride | Author: Edward McCann | Added: 08-31-01 |
Summary: | Size: 10.44k |
Title: 'Tis the Season | Author: Cousin Mary | Added: 05-22-01 |
Summary: Tracy gets thrown back to 1886! | Size: 201.86k |
Title: And Tonight, As I Lay Gently Napping | Author: Sing to Angels | Added: 08-31-01 |
Summary: | Size: 5.80k |
Title: Tracy Grows Up | Author: Cousin Mary | Added: 05-22-01 |
Summary: #2 in the Tracy series- The inner conflict continues as Tracy must face the consequences for her actions. ADULT | Size: 58.38k |
Title: Tracy Jam | Author: Cousin Mary | Added: 08-31-01 |
Summary: | Size: 5.00k |
Title: Tracy Meets LaCroix | Author: Cousin Mary | Added: 05-22-01 |
Summary: #1 in the Tracy series- After Vachon's death, Tracy asks herself some hard questions. ADULT | Size: 34.32k |
Title: Tracy's Last Knight | Author: Cousin Mary | Added: 05-22-01 |
Summary: A rewrite of LK from Tracy's perspective with some -big- twists. | Size: 81.66k |
Title: Truce | Author: KC Smith | Added: 06-04-01 |
Summary: #7 in the Changes, Fate, Love series- Nick goes out of town and LaCroix has to do a special favor for Nat. | Size: 14.17k |
Title: Twin Karma | Author: Cousin Mary | Added: 05-22-01 |
Summary: Mary's birthday present to her 'twin' Ren- The girls take an involuntary trip through the FK universe. | Size: 125.51k |
Title: Two AM | Author: Cousin Mary | Added: 05-22-01 |
Summary: Sequel to On the Road- Screed writes a letter to Vachon about Tracy. | Size: 3.03k |
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