
Title: The Card Author: Mary Denhart Added: 05-16-01
Challenge: FKFIC-L challenge. Size:1.22k

Title: The Case of the Confused Crusader Author: Jeanette Nelson Added: 05-16-01
Challenge: Anita's Challenge. Size:8.39k

Title: The Challenge- in one Sentence Author: Laura Janvrin Added: 06-04-01
Challenge: Anita's challenge. Size: 1k

Title: A Good End to a Bad Night Author: Judith Frudenthal Added: 06-04-01
Challenge: Anita's challenge. Size: 16.46k

Title: Heaven Sent Me an Angel Author: Mary Denhart Added: 05-16-01
Challenge: Sue Clark's A Different View challenge. Size: 32.03k

Title: Pillow Fight in the Raven Author: Emily Hanson Added: 06-04-01
Challenge: Anita's challenge. Size: 4.72k

Title: Schanke's Really Weird Friday the 13th Author: Emily Hanson Added: 08-07-01
Challenge: Full Moon/Friday the 13th challenge. Size: 8.10k

Title: The Wedding Reception Author: Laurel Bowman Added: 08-06-01
Challenge: Nick and Nat's Wedding Outside Link


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