Title: Waiting Author: Sharon S. Scott Added: 09-19-01
Summary: Nick's dying, and Nat is waiting for the end.


Size: 4.01k
Title: Waltz in the Sky Author: Lorelei Sieja Added: 06-25-01
Summary: #4 in the Dance series- Captain Reese suspects somthing is different in Nick and Tracy's relationship... Vampire hunters go online, gaining in numbers and power. Can LaCroix protect Janette's strays from this new threat?


Size: 270.05k
Title: Wanderers of the Dark Author: Emily Hanson Added: 05-19-01
Summary: Part of the Schanke's Return Series - Nick is house hunting when a few surprises get in the way.  Now with the help of Detective Schanke, they have to stop a killer before he kills again.


Size: 101.96k
Title: Want something done- do it yourself Author: Javieress Added: 06-04-01
Summary: Tired of waiting, Tracy takes matters into her own hands!


Size: 5.29k
Title: What Fate Decrees Author: Denise Underwood Added: 08-06-01
Summary: Sequel 'Oaths' A young reverend captures LaCroix' heart as a reincarnation of his long-dead lover. But does he love her or just who she used to be?


Size: 82.10k
Title: When Darkness Falls Author: KC Smith Added: 08-06-01
Summary: Why is someone trying to kill Nat, and what surprises will Nick learn she's kept from him? WIP


Size: 35.63k
Title: When the Night Wind Calls Author: DragonLady Added: 08-06-01
Summary: Blood-links aren't just for orders, they have more sensual uses... [Harem]


Size: 6.81k
Title: Wild for to Hold Author: Spike Shovelton Added: 08-06-01
Summary: Who will get Tracy for a fledgling?


Size: 30.58k
Title: Would Have Been Author: Cousin Mary Added: 05-22-01
Summary: Tracy thinks about a path she didn't get to take.


Size: 3.23k
Title: Wrong Author: Cousin Mary Added: 05-22-01
Summary: Tracy and Bruce must deal with what's left of their relationship.


Size: 14.82k
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