Title: Sadness, in a Minor Key Author: Diane Harris Added: 06-04-01
Summary: A special song brings back memories, and takes on a whole new meaning for Natalie.


Size: 91.05k
Title: The Scent of Darkness Author: Emily Hanson Added: 08-07-01
Summary: Nick and Schanke must defeat the evil dragon Hei Long, who is on a rampage in Toronto. PG-13 rated for fantasy violence.


Size: 105.83k
Title: Schanke's Return Author: Emily Hanson Added: 05-19-01
Summary: Nick receives a mysterious phone call from the deceased Detective Schanke. Where has he been and what has happened to him?


Size: 59.53k
Title: Screamin' Fine Ride Author: LCD Worley Added: 08-07-01
Summary: Vachon meets a wonderful new woman who just happened to be related to someone he once knew.


Size: 44.17k
Title: Secret Desires Author: Nitemar Added: 05-17-01
Summary: What secret desires do Nick and Nat have? ADULT


Size: 36.26k
Title: She Misses Him Author: KC Smith Added: 06-04-01
Summary: Nick is human and Nat is having to care for him while reminiscing. Song inspired.


Size: 10.77k
Title: Sisters Author: Cousin Mary Added: 05-22-01
Summary: #3 in the On their Own series- Nat's there for Tracy.


Size: 11.57k
Title: Simplicity Author: Sharon S. Scott Added: 09-19-01
Summary: Janette & Nick & the end of Lacroix.


Size: 3.48k
Title: Sleeping Beauty Author: Cousin Mary Added: 05-22-01
Summary: #1 in the Tracy/Miklos series- Tracy wakes to a surprise. ADULT


Size: 16.55k
Title: Something in the Blood Author: Cousin Mary Added: 05-22-01
Summary: Very dark, exploring the Vetter family legacy.


Size: 6.82k
Title: Stone of Embers Author: Emily Hanson Added: 05-19-01
Summary: Sequel to Schanke's Return - A body of a vampire turns up on Dr Lambert's table and it's not disintergrating.  Could this be linked to other murders with a strange chemical involved?  The Paranormal Investigation Unit are on the case.


Size: 58.15k
Title: Storm of the Soul Author: KC Smith Added: 06-04-01
Summary: Nick stays with Nat at her brother's house during a storm and helps to calm her fears.


Size: 30.36k
Title: Street Dance Author: Lorelei Sieja Added: 06-25-01
Summary: #14 in the Dance series- Can a blind homicide detective still see the clues?


Size: 130.71k
Title: Surprises Author: KC Smith Added: 06-04-01
Summary: Nick plans a special night for Natalie, but when Schanke shows up with a SWAT team, they are all in for a surprise!


Size: 38.13k
Title: Sweet Surrender Author: Cousin Mary Added: 05-22-01
Summary: LaCroix muses during a broadcast.


Size: 4.76k
Title: Sydney Author: KC Smith Added: 06-04-01
Summary: A Short story of how Nat acquired her beloved pet.


Size: 7.54k
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