Title: Paper Sun | Author: Erin | Added: 08-13-01 |
Summary: After
Last Knight, Nick is unable to cope with the terrible secret knowledge of
what really happened that night. Can Natalie grant Nick the forgiveness he
needs? Will it be enough?
Size: 26.93k |
Title: Peccadillos | Author: Cousin Mary | Added: 05-22-01 |
Tracy goes undercover at a strip club Screed frequents.
Size: 77.84k |
Title: Phoenix | Author: Nancy Warlocke | Added: 09-19-01 |
Size: 354.66k | |
Title: Pipe Dreams | Author: KC Smith | Added: 06-04-01 |
Summary: Nat's
sister and brother-in-law are murdered; Nick discovers that his dreams
aren't as impossible as they seem. ADULT
Size: 509.28k |
Title: Point of View | Author: KC Smith | Added: 06-04-01 |
Summary: After
the vampire surfaces, Nick finds out that some things really do just
depend on your point of view.
Size: 15.51k |
Title: Ponderings | Author: KC Smith | Added: 06-04-01 |
Summary: Nat's
thoughts after Nick tells her what happens when a vampire takes someone's
blood. (episode Francesca references)
Size: 4.89k |
Title: Psychiatrist is a Dish Best Served Cold | Author: Diane Harris | Added: 06-04-01 |
Summary: Sequel
In the Grand Scheme of Things- And you thought I couldn't possibly write
any more on the subject...
Size: 7.26k |
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