Title: The Mallard | Author: Cousin Mary | Added: 05-22-01 |
Summary: Nat
and Tracy visit a gourmet chocolate/coffee shop.
Size: 5.93k |
Title: Matrimony | Author: KC Smith | Added: 06-04-01 |
Summary: #4
in the Changes, Fate, Love series- Nick and Nat's wedding... with a bit of
a surprise.
Size: 18.68k |
Title: Melodrama | Author: Cousin Mary | Added: 05-22-01 |
Summary: Vachon
and Screed wage mock war for Tracy's hand.
Size: 9.91k |
Title: Memories Like Fire Dance Through My Head | Author: Sing to Angels | Added: 08-31-01 |
Size: 37.52k |
Title: Miss Tracy | Author: Cousin Mary | Added: 05-22-01 |
Summary: What
will Tracy be for Halloween? With Buffy overtones.
Size: 13.21k |
Title: More Surprise | Author: KC Smith | Added: 06-04-01 |
Summary: Sequel
Surprises. Nick's injured and Schanke gets more than he bargained for when
he picks up Nat and takes her to the hospital.
Size: 38.04k |
Title: More than Friends | Author: KC Smith | Added: 06-04-01 |
Summary: An
old flame of Nat's returns and Nick is jealous.
Size: 83.22k |
Title: The Morning After | Author: Laurel Bowman | Added: 08-06-01 |
#4 in the 5 Years series- Marcus is still alive, unknown to a grieving
Nat, but will he stay that way at the hands of his captors?
Outside Link |
Title: Mortality | Author: Edward McCann | Added: 08-31-01 |
Summary: By one means or another, Nick regained his mortality, married Nat, did the 2.6 kids thing, etc, etc, etc. This story takes place, oh, 50-60 years in the future. | Size: 4.25k |
Title: Moving On | Author: Nitemar | Added: 05-17-01 |
Nick abruptly has to move on, leaving a grieving Nat behind with only
vague promises. Life moves on slowly for both of them, then Nat decides to
do something about it after finding out just how much she loves him. ADULT
Size: 292.02k |
Title: Moving On | Author: Gary Woodard | Added: 08-13-01 |
Summary: Nick
and Tracy have more to deal with than a Mafia war and a serial killer...
they are also having to decide about moving on. ADULT
Size: 126.40k |
Title: Mutual Acquaintances | Author: Cousin Mary | Added: 05-22-01 |
Reenter the Inca.
Size: 6.90k |
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