Title: The Ladder By Which We Rise | Author: Nancy Taylor | Added: 09-19-01 |
Part of the Laurene
Size: 102.36k | |
Title: The Last Dance | Author: Lorelei Sieja | Added: 06-25-01 |
Summary: #1
in Dance series- Nick discovers new feelings for Vachon's fledgling, Urs.
While everying else in his life is changing, Urs offers him refuge.
Meanwhile, Tracy discovers something about her partner and has to make a
major decision that will affect the rest of her life... however long that
may be.
Size: 87.20k |
Title: Lessons | Author: Sing to Angels | Added: 08-31-01 |
Size: 4.83k |
Title: Letters | Author: Lois Ritson | Added: 05-17-01 |
Summary: Nat
heads due south after the comet scare, leaving Toronto and a determined
Nick far behind... or did she?
Size: 66.49k |
Title: A Little Knowledge Can Be Dangerous | Author: Karen G. | Added: 05-17-01 |
Sequel to Now and Forever- Nick and Nat have to deal with Tracy and her
Size: 321.14k |
Title: A Little Night Magic | Author: Nancy Warlocke | Added: 09-19-01 |
This is an "alternate universe" retelling of the episodes Black
Buddha 1 & 2, mostly from the Vachon-Tracy POV.
Size: 119k | |
Title: Little Tracy Hood | Author: Cousin Mary | Added: 05-22-01 |
Summary: Tracy
attends a Halloween party at the loft.
Size: 7.17k |
Title: Long Day's Night | Author: Cousin Mary | Added: 05-22-01 |
Summary: #2
in the Tracy/Miklos series- Thinking back, moving on. ADULT
Size: 12.86k |
Title: The Longest Two Days | Author: Melissa Lewis | Added: 06-04-01 |
Summary: Nick
and Nat promise to do without something, with unexpected results.
Size: 6.89k |
Title: Lord of the Dance | Author: Lorelei Sieja | Added: 06-25-01 |
Summary: #9
in Dance series- Nicholas develops new strengths from his present
Size: 210.12k |
Title: Love Almost Lost | Author: KC Smith | Added: 06-04-01 |
Summary: #1
in Fate, Changes, Love series- An explosion nearly destroys the Coroner's
Building and Nat's somewhere inside. ADULT
Size: 30.24k |
Title: Love Conquers All | Author: C. Brady | Added: 05-21-01 |
Nat becomes increasingly detached and thinks of leaving Toronto. Nick
decides that he has to do something to win her back, but will love truly
conquer all? ADULT
Size: 71.47k |
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