Title: In Flagrante Delicto | Author: Diane Harris | Added: 06-04-01 |
Summary: Is Nick really the angsty, depressed vampire that he seems to be? | Size: 7.67k |
Title: In the Grand Scheme of Things | Author: Diane Harris | Added: 06-04-01 |
Summary: Post LK- We never really did get to see the aftermath... | Size: 9.26k |
Title: In the Name of the Code | Author: Sunny LaCountess | Added: 08-31-01 |
Summary: After the events of Close Call, the High Council of the vampire world sends a delegate to Toronto to see if anyone has broken the Code. Nick must do his best to protect his friends and face his own charges against a stern Enforcer with a deep scar, and a history that ties them back to the dark events of a medieval castle in Southeast France round the 14th century. | Size: 435.28k |
Title: A Titanic Problem | Author: Andrew C. | Added: 08-06-01 |
Summary: What really happened to the Titanic. | Size: 11.44k |
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