Title: A Halloween to Remember Author: Emily Hanson Added: 05-10-01
Summary: Nat receives a proposal on Halloween.


Size: 10.63k
Title: Happily Ever After Author: Cousin Mary Added: 05-22-01
Summary: After a few years, how is the happy couple faring? N/N


Size: 14.88k
Title: Happily Ever After Author: Nancy Warlocke Added: 09-19-01


Size: 17.65k
Title: Happy New Year's Author: Cousin Mary Added: 05-22-01
Summary: Nat and Tracy crash a New Year's party.


Size: 14.13k
Title: Harvest of the Damned Author: Nancy Kaminski Added: 09-19-01
Summary: What is it about the annual office vegetable giveaway that has driven Nick from the precinct? Will Natalie discover more vampire secrets?


Size: k
Title: Heavenly Knight Author: Nitemar Added: 05-16-01
Summary: Sequel to 'Heaven Sent Me an Angel' (challenge), Nick and Nat work out a few frustrations... ADULT


Size: 25.75k
Title: Heaven's Help Author: Laura Janvrin Added: 05-16-01
Summary: Angels are sent to help Nick and Nat reclaim their love, but something goes awry and they end up fighting for the lives of the world and for Nick.


Size: 60.41k
Title: The Human Reaction to Pain Author: Sing to Angels Added: 08-31-01


Size: 43.85k
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