Title: Games Coroners Play Author: Patty Costantino Added: 06-04-01
Summary: Virtual reality rears its head again, except this time it's helping Nat and Nick live their fantasies in VR and in dreams. How will this affect their relationship? ADULT


Size: 71.78k
Title: Games Detectives Play Author: Patty Costantino Added: 08-13-01
Summary: Sequel Games Coroners Play- ADULT


Size: 103.64k
Title: A Gift to Give Author: KC Smith Added: 06-04-01
Summary: Nat's cousin and his wife arrive in Toronto with a special request. Nick agrees to go with Nat to her family Christmas party.


Size: 135.47k
Title: Goodbyes Author: KC Smith Added: 06-04-01
Summary: Nick faces sunrise as a mortal... without Nat. Size: 9.95k

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