Title: End of the Calm | Author: Karen G. | Added: 05-22-01 |
Summary: A certain
vampire's back in Toronto, starting a string of serial slayings... now
just who has Nick pissed off lately?
Size: 78.33k |
Title: Eternity | Author: Karen G. | Added: 05-16-01 |
Summary: LaCroix
goes to Nat for help, and in return gets a proposition. Now Nick has to
Size: 72.27k |
Title: Eternity in an Endless Night | Author: NightAngel | Added: 06-04-01 |
Summary: Nick and
Nat have choices to make. LK
Size: 8.70k |
Title: Evening With a Friend | Author: Laurel Bowman | Added: 08-06-01 |
#3 in the 5 Years Later series- Nick and Nat have a night out, chat, and
then find out some distressing news...
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Title: Eye of the Beholder | Author: Diane Harris | Added: 06-04-01 |
Summary: #4 in
Darkness Series. A string of vampire killings leads Nick on a hunt to find
the culprit, but with Nat working on a possible cure and a strange new
associate named Alihra, who seems to know him more than he knows himself,
he can hardly devote the time he wants into solving the murders.
Size: 216.87k |
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