Title: Daddy's Little Girl Author: Nichole Knight Added: 08-28-01


Size: 73.13k
Title: Dance of Dominance Author: Lorelei Sieja Added: 06-25-01
Summary: #12 in the Dance series- A very dark Cerkperk story... ADULT


Size: 30.00k
Title: Dance of Seduction Author: KC Smith Added: 05-29-01
Summary: Nat dances for Nick in an effort to seduce him. ADULT


Size: 14.14k
Title: Dance of the Hours Author: Lorelei Sieja Added: 06-25-01
Summary: #6 in the Dance series- A Winter storm strikes the city, along with the January doldrums. When work and home conflict, Nick must choose
between them.


Size: 180.77k
Title: Dance of the Undead Author: Lorelei Sieja Added: 06-25-01
Summary: #3 in the Dance series- Tracy adjusts to her new existence and the complex relationships it brings. Nick her brother and partner, LaCroix her master and father both become something more.


Size: 183.47k
Title: Dance with the Devil Author: Lorelei Sieja Added: 06-25-01
Summary: #2 in the Dance series- Tracy decides that it is payback time, but all of her pranks backfire. When Nick reunites with Father Rochefort to solve a youth's murder the unlikely pair must have faith in each other if they hope to survive.


Size: 127.97k
Title: Dancing in the Dark Author: Lorelei Sieja Added: 06-25-01
Summary: #11 in the Dance series- Nick travels to Montreal for further education, while a vampire with a grudge lurks in the shadows.


Size: 220.91k
Title: Dark Light Author: Nancy Warlocke Added: 09-19-01


Size: 310.83k
Title: Darkest Hour Author: Diane Harris Added: 05-30-01
Summary: Post Last Knight. We never really did get to see the aftermath...


Size: 12.27k
Title: Dead Men in Lingerie Author: Sharon S. Scott Added: 09-19-01
Summary: Men's underwear, Tracy, Nick & Nat in the morgue.


Size: 8.37k
Title: Dead Swans Author: Lorelei Sieja Added: 06-25-01
Summary: #8 in the Dance series- Anger and frustration push Nick over the edge.
He finds help in new places.


Size: 121.17k
Title: Deception of Love Author: KC Smith Added: 05-30-01
Summary: Nat has to let LaCroix erase Nick's memory of his short time as a mortal, but finds out that she may have made a mistake in doing so.


Size: 25.75k
Title: Desperate Measures Author: Patty Costantino Added: 05-30-01
Summary: Nat makes herself pregnant to create a cure for Nick, but how will the Crusader react?


Size: 113.78k
Title: Do Not Go Gentle Author: Diane Harris Added: 05-30-01
Summary: LaCroix brutalizes Nick in a fit of anger and is disturbed to find that he regrets it. What is to become of his and Nick's already broken relationship? ADULT - DISTURBING


Size: 95.04k
Title: Dream of the Future Author: Karen G. Added: 05-30-01
Summary: A Mother's Day vignette. Size: 24.93k

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