Title: The Captive Author: KC Smith Added: 05-29-01
Summary: A vampire kidnaps Nat, then Nick... but who is he, and what does he want?


Size: 107.03k
Title: The Changeling Author: Nancy Warlocke Added: 09-19-01
Summary: Sequel Phoenix


Size: 543.70k
Title: Changes, Fate, and Love Author: KC Smith Added: 05-29-01
Summary: #3 in the Changes, Fate, and Love series- Nick takes Nat on a trip and they discover some startling changes are occurring in Nat that will greatly affect both of their lives.


Size: 36.88k
Title: The Chosen Author: Cousin Mary Added: 05-22-01
Summary: Jeanette chooses a new protégé.


Size: 8.31k
Title: Christmas Magic Author: Emily Hanson Added: 05-09-01
Summary: Nick receives a Christmas present from the dragons.


Size: 13.56k
Title: Christmas Waltz Author: Lorelei Sieja Added: 06-25-01
Summary: #5 in the Dance series- Nick is swamped with unsovled crimes, babysitting his little sister,
practicing for the Christmas Ball, and making gifts. It's a good thing Christmas comes only once a year. It will take that long to recover.


Size: 227.80k
Title: City of Chaos Author: Emily Hanson Added: 05-09-01
Summary: Identical twins, also vampire fledglings, risk breaking the Code to save lives.


Size: 96.12k
Title: Clear and Bright Author: Cousin Mary Added: 05-22-01
Summary: Tracy after Vachon's death.


Size: 2.68k
Title: The Clearing Fog Author: Javieress Added: 08-13-01
Summary: Everything becomes clear to Tracy after tragic events, a strange case, and a few visitors.


Size: 63.75k
Title: Close Shave Author: Cousin Mary Added: 05-22-01
Summary: #3 in the Tracy/Miklos series-Too close for comfort? ADULT


Size: 13.58k
Title: Coming Across Author: Cousin Mary Added: 05-22-01
Summary: Nick is forced to bring Tracy across, but it's not just her who changes.


Size: 136.15k
Title: Contrasts Author: Edward McCann Added: 08-28-01


Size: 4.62k
Title: Conversations with a Vampire Author: Laurel Bowman Added: 08-06-01
Summary: #1 in the 5 Years Later series- Nick comes to Vancouver to see Nat 5 years after Last Knight and gets a real surprise.


Outside Link
Title: Could I have this Kiss Forever? Author: Patty Costantino Added: 05-29-01
Summary: Nat leaves Nick for a vacation and meets someone new. How does Nick react? ADULT


Size: 118.59k
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