Title: Bent Author: Cousin Mary Added: 05-22-01
Summary: How Tracy spends her weekends.


Size: 11.37k
Title: Bigger than Life and Twice as Mean Author: Cousin Mary Added: 05-22-01
Summary: Tracy finds a brand new fledgling vampire, and not knowing what else to do... brings her home.


Size: 57.37
Title: Black Ice Author: Mary Chamberlain Added: 08-28-01
Summary: Nick has to deal with a catastrophe involving Natalie as well as a murder investigation with overtones of the supernatural.


Size: 210.67k
Title: The Black Taxi Author: Jeannie Ecklund Added: 05-28-01
Summary: Nick is a taxi driver after LK and he gets a fare he never thought he would see again.


Size: 22.92
Title: Bugged- Natalie's Part Author: Sara Caldwell Added: 09-19-01
Summary: Second part after Vachon's part- Natalie is watched.


Size: 20.46k
Title: Bugged- Vachon's Part Author: Sara Caldwell Added: 09-19-01
Summary: Vachon is questioned and watched.


Size: 4.86k
Title: By Design Author: Nitemar Added: 05-16-01
Summary: Nat seduces Nick with a... special... dress, but exactly what kind of monster does she unleash? ADULT


Size: 37.70k
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