Title: Aftermath | Author: Emma Lighton | Added: 08-07-01 |
Vachon finds something in the church to restore everything after a war.
Size: 2.97k |
Title: Again and Again | Author: Sharon S. Scott | Added: 09-19-01 |
Nick and Nat have that same discussion again--the one about why he won't
make love to her.
Size: 4.20k | |
Title: All for a Good Cause | Author: Emily Hanson | Added: 05-09-01 |
Nick Knight and Don Schanke put on rubber suits and sumo wrestle for
Size: 8.42k |
Title: Alone in a Crowd | Author: Cousin Mary | Added: 05-22-01 |
#2 in the On Their Own series- Nat and Tracy continue on.
Size: 11.69k |
Title: Alone No More | Author: Nitemar | Added: 05-16-01 |
Nick finds out whether or not Nat can love all of him, through her
blood... ADULT
Size: 6.96k |
Title: Always Tomorrow | Author: Sing to Angels | Added: 08-28-01 |
Size: 19.91k |
Title: And A Child Shall Lead | Author: KC Smith | Added: 05-28-01 |
Summary: Nat becomes
pregnant by Nick, but how is the child affecting her, and who is the
Size: 339.72 |
Title: Anti-Valentines | Author: Cousin Mary | Added: 05-22-01 |
Tracy throws a non-Valentines party at the loft.
Size: 16.65k |
Title: Arabian Knight | Author: Fran Glass | Added: 08-31-01 |
Summary: After a magic wish makes Nick mortal again, his new life takes a tragic turn for the worse.
Size: 334.61k |
Title: At the Beginning | Author: KC Smith | Added: 05-28-01 |
Summary: #5 in the
'Changes, Fate and Love' series. Nick and Natalie find out their special
place in the Community.
Size: 53.88k |
Title: Auguries of Innocence | Author: Sing to Angels | Added: 08-28-01 |
Size: 17.08k |
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