THE CHALLENGE: This story is a result of Sue Clark's A Different View Challenge for a charityzine. The challenge was to write a story based on characters drawn from a hat. The characters drawn for me were Nat, Schanke, Divia, Roger, and the Enforcers. What an interesting group!:) Thanks, Sue! It was a lot of fun. DISCLAIMERS: The Forever Knight characters belong to Columbia Tri/Star. No copyright infringement is intended. PERMISSION IS GRANTED to archive this story at FKFANFIC Archive and the FKFTP site ONLY. Anyone else must ask for permission from me first. It will also be available at my fiction site at . All comments welcome at TIMELINE: This story takes place just prior to the events that take place in the episode 'Ashes to Ashes'. If you do not see "End Part xx" or "The End" you did not receive entire part. ======================= Heaven Sent Me An Angel A Different View Story Copyright July 2000 By Mary Denhart ======================= Part 1 Closing his eyes, he sighed as he remembered her long auburn locks, the scent of her, just as he did every night. His days and nights locked away here were haunted by his memories of her. He had never been so close to having a woman who could love him, and not betray him. That night in the greenhouse with Natalie they had been on the verge of real intimacy...the first time since... But he would not think of that. He would have her still. He would make her want him. Patience, he told himself. He would be free soon. The new guard might provide an opportunity to escape. The time would come soon. "Natalie," he whispered to himself, "you are mine." Roger rolled on his side and drifted into a deep sleep filled with his obsessive dreams. ***** Natalie sighed as she worked her way through the files on her desk. She missed Nick already. He had only left for Ottawa a few nights ago on the redeye flight, and he'd be gone several days yet, making up what he needed by the deadline. If only he hadn't kept putting off that continuing education, he could have gone to the seminars here in Toronto. But with the deadline so close, he had to take the only classes left - in Ottawa. The Captain had to even force the issue with him. Just like Nick to do it this way, she thought, shaking her head. If Schanke were still here, he would've got him to do it in time. Schanke. She missed him. She pushed her chair away from the desk as if to push the thought of Schanke's absence to the back of her mind. Grabbing the finished files, she took them to the file cabinets to put away. ***** Roger bit his lip, almost drawing blood. If he didn't contain himself, his smile might break through. Not a smile of an inmate happy to be released, but of an inmate who was being released in error. He wouldn't have to escape at all. They were signing him out on their own. Well, they were signing out a Thomas Leary. Was it his fault that the clerk typed out the wrong number on the form? Still, it wouldn't have worked had it not been for the new guard who retrieved him. When the guard came to get him by his number 232426, he didn't realize Roger was not the prisoner to be released. Prisoner 232526 was to be released. Any of the other guards would have spotted the error. If only he could slip through without one of the others recognizing him and questioning his release. Roger finally made it past the gate, the guard unaware of his identity. His little plan to escape had been easier than he had thought. The right opportunity had presented itself, and he was on his way back to his Natalie. First, he would need to see what she was up to now. Did she still work as medical examiner? Did she still live at the same place? Then, he had to be sure there would be no interference this time. Almost through the trees, Roger saw the highway lights ahead. That's where he would find his way back into the city to get answers to his questions. ***** Natalie sat in her car, stunned at what the Captain had just told her. Roger. She thought she was safe from him. What would she do now that he was free? A serial killer. Released by mistake. How stupid could they get? The Captain wanted her to go home and lock up. But she would rather be around people and told him she was going back to the office. But was that the best thing to do? Natalie turned the key in the ignition and pulled out of the precinct's lot. Turning the corner, she made her way back to the office, lost in thought. "Damn it, Nick," Nat said aloud as she twisted the steering wheel in her hands. "Why couldn't you have done the continuing ed when you should have? God, I wish you were here now. I really need your help." Natalie's eyes welled with tears as her fear grew stronger. The silence of being alone became unbearable as she continued down the street, and she swiped at the tears leaking from her eyes. "What about me? Will I do?" a familiar voice asked from the back seat. Natalie jerked at the wheel, swerving on the road, startled at the sound of a dead man's voice. She turned around to verify the owner of the voice. Schanke. What the hell? Not only was her life in danger, she was scared shitless and seeing things too. She turned back to face the road as she muttered to herself, "You're seeing things. You can't be seeing him. He's dead. You're cracking up." "Nat, it's me. Schanke! You're not cracking up," he insisted, lightly punching her in the shoulder. "You're imagining things. The pressure is just getting to you, Lambert. Ignore it. It'll go away," she continued muttering, trying to ignore the punch to her shoulder. Schanke leaned forward, resting his chin on folded arms on the back of the seat. "I couldn't let you face this crisis alone, Natalie. Gotta cover for my partner while he's gone, ya know. So, I got special permission to help. Besides, I never got to say a proper goodbye." What he didn't mention was what he knew about their future together. He couldn't let the circumstance of Nick's absence and Roger's escape to interfere with the eventual happy ending in store for the couple. While he was alive, he had watched these two deny their feelings for each other, dance around their relationship. Now he knew why. The obstacles they faced, the struggle they endured for some hope of togetherness. He couldn't let Nick down. Natalie continued to stare straight ahead, tears welling in her eyes, mumbling to herself about her sanity. "I'll be here for you, watching over you," Schanke said as he faded from her rearview mirror. ***** Natalie wasn't alone. Apparently, the error of his release had been discovered, and the cops were on alert already. He had hoped they wouldn't find out the mistake so fast. As Roger sat in the stolen car, watching the morgue entrance, Natalie was escorted to her car by security. Still, this little setback would not keep them apart long. He watched as she entered her car, lonely and longing for a man. He could sense it. She wanted him. She missed him. She regretted pushing him away before. He cautiously followed as she pulled out of the lot and planned how he would approach her. When she turned onto her street, he held back a bit to allow her time to park and get near her building's main entrance without spotting him just yet. Natalie's heart was pounding as she pulled into her parking spot. She had had a very eerie feeling ever since she left the morgue. Was she spooking herself? No, there was a very real threat out there. She just wished her heartbeat wasn't so loud. She was so glad that security had escorted her to her car tonight. Usually, he was on rounds at that time, but tonight he was there waiting for her. Maybe the Captain had arranged it. But the guard said he hadn't, that he just had an odd feeling he should be there for her. She made her way to her apartment building's main door, alert and watching for activity on the street. She saw none. She fumbled with her keys, and suddenly started as a car backfired, catching her attention. Looking up, she saw a car in the shadows of the tree-lined street with a single male passenger. It moved slowly, but passed on by. She panicked, unable to find the right key, and then suddenly, the key just slipped into the lock and opened the door. She slid inside and breathed a sigh of relief as she leaned against the quickly locked door. She didn't even have to wiggle the key like she usually had to in order to get it to turn the lock. The car was probably nothing, but she was scared and very glad to be inside. Roger ditched the car a few blocks away, and made his way back to the building on foot. His luck, stealing a car that was so noisy! And it was a 2000 Infiniti, not a car he expected to backfire. He had hoped to get closer to her, but the fates were against him. As he neared Natalie's building, he found a dark spot across the street. Natalie was already safe inside her apartment, and he had been unable to approach her this time. At least he could be near her, watch her and plan for their reunion. He watched her silhouette in the window and leaned back against the tree, dreaming of being with her again. ***** Finally, inside her apartment, she double-checked all the locks and windows. After the long night, Natalie realized how tired she was and her need for a good, hot soak before going to bed. She started the water, adding some scented bath oils. While the water filled, she tied up her hair and stripped off her clothes. She slowly stepped into the warm bath and sighed at its soothing feel, lowering herself into its scented warmth. She pushed the water around her body, splashing every inch with the soft oils. Slowly she slid lower into the water until it covered her neck, erasing much of the tension her body held. "You two, you really are something," the voice said. Natalie pulled her legs and hands up protectively and looked up to see Schanke perched on the vanity. "Friends, my foot!" he continued. "The dreams you two have about each other -- Mama mia!" Natalie blushed in embarrassment, and Schanke vanished again. "Damn, he's as bad as Nick, sneaking up on people," Nat muttered to herself. She stepped out of the tub, towel drying herself before putting her robe on. She walked out of bathroom and flinched with surprise when she spotted Schanke sitting on the edge of her bed. "Sorry 'bout that, Nat. Didn't realize where you were when I was jabbering away..." Schanke apologized with a blush. Natalie looked at the figure sitting on her bed, stepped toward him, and slowly reached out to touch him. Her fingers stopped, touching a physical form. "I can feel you." "Yeah. Didn't want to scare you even more," he tried to explain. Natalie reached out and brushed her hands on his cheeks. " are really here...ohmygod, can you help me?" Schanke nodded as Natalie fell into his arms, and he embraced her shaking form. "Shhh, it's okay, Nat. Really. I'm here to help. It'll be okay." ***** The petite figure lurked in the shadows behind the club in the early evening hours. She had arrived here after awakening from her tomb, drawn here when she had reached out to him. Whispers from the club revealed that Lucius now owned the inn. How quaint. From General to Innkeeper. Divia watched and reached out to feel his presence, but did not find it. After lurking inside, she learned Lucius was away for a few days on a search for new supply sources. A stock boy. He truly had sunk low in his life. But all that mattered was revenge now, revenge on the one who had betrayed her. She hastily left the club in a pout and entered the closed restaurant next door where a sign clearly identified that the owners were away on vacation. These mortals really did not think their feeble locks and security measures would work, did they? It was a perfect spot to hide during the day and to store her Egyptian corpse. The large chest freezer was perfect for her needs. And from what she had overheard, it appeared Lucius would be returning tomorrow night. She would return later for her revenge. She walked through the streets, young and innocent-looking, searching for some trouble. She neared a club, the music throbbing through the walls. A young man burst through the doors, laughing and smiling. As he strolled down the sidewalk, he noticed the young girl, slowly walking on the other side of the street and watching him. He panned the area around him, checking to see who else was nearby, and quickly made his way across the street to the shy little girl. As he approached, he reached out to smooth her windblown hair and asked with an evil gleam in his eyes, "Are you all alone? Do you need some help?" She turned shyly and smiled. "Please, sir, I'm lost." The man smiled inwardly and pulled his arm around the preteen, guiding her further down the sidewalk. When he turned the corner into the alley, Divia's persona changed drastically. The wild animal was unleashed, hissing and scratching. The attack of the man was fast and complete. The limp body hung from the small girl's arms as she drained the last of his life, and the heavy form dropped to the pavement. Divia smiled down at her latest conquest, crumpled in the middle of the alley, and took off into the air. End Part 1 ======================= Heaven Sent Me An Angel A Different View Story Copyright July 2000 By Mary Denhart ======================= Part 2 Natalie woke well-rested, and refreshed. Schanke had stayed with her until she had drifted off, and she surprisingly had a good night's sleep. After a quick orange juice and toast for herself and some canned food for Sydney, Natalie took off for another exciting evening at work. As Natalie drove around the corner approaching the morgue parking lot, she slowed to enter the lot's driveway. "Keep going!" Schanke's voice demanded. Natalie didn't see him around and wondered if she was imagining things. "You're not imagining my voice, Natalie. Keep driving around the block," he insisted. Natalie glanced over at the lot and saw a man pacing under the trees by the entrance with a fistful of flowers in his hands. She gulped and drove straight ahead. "How did you know?" she whispered in a panic after she had passed the morgue. Schanke materialized in the front seat. "That's my job. I'm here to protect you, remember?" Natalie, visibly shaken by his sudden appearance, shifted in her seat. "Why do you keep doing that? You're as bad as Nick!" "Talking about Nick... a vampire?!" Schanke nudged Nat playfully. "It explains a lot, but geesh, a vampire." Natalie's eyes grew wide at Schanke's comment. "And you never told me. I'm hurt," Schanke said in a faked hurt voice, holding a hand to his chest. "Schanke, it...we..." Schanke smiled and nudged her again. "S'okay, Nat. No about these psychos...I'm here to help." "Roger escaped." "I know, but we also have another problem you don't know about yet. But let's stick with one thing at a time." Natalie's brow furrowed with worry. What was he talking about... something else? Seeing her worry, he lightly punched her arm and commented, "Don't worry. I'll take care of ya. Relax. It's my job." When Natalie managed a slight smile, he teasingly added, "Besides, Nick would kill me if I let anything happen to you." Natalie turned another corner and pulled to the curb near the front entrance to the morgue. She would avoid the parking lot tonight. ***** Roger backed away from the building and grounds as he heard the sirens approach. The cops again were making their attempt to separate him from his Natalie. He watched from a distance as they methodically searched the lot and grounds around the morgue, keeping her cloistered inside away from his attentions. "I will have you, Natalie. Someday you will be mine forever," he whispered to himself. Divia lurked in the shadows as she watched this obsessed man. The commitment to his obsession, his lust. She reveled in his evil plans. Yes, he would make an interesting toy for a while. She stepped closer. Roger dropped the flowers to the ground and turned to leave, to wait for a quieter time for his reunion with Natalie. When he turned, he faced a girl staring at him with piercing eyes. Stunned and unable to move, he watched as she grabbed him. He was dazed as she twisted his body and ravaged him, his consciousness fading. ***** Natalie examined the body closely. The field notes said there was little to no blood at the scene. Even though it was assumed the murder took place somewhere else because of the lack of blood, Natalie suspected something else. Lack of blood always made her suspect something else. She turned the body's head to examine the neck on both sides and found no puncture marks. She sighed, puzzled at the lack of wounds. That's why they pushed this one on her. It was one of the odd ones again. She reached to hold the man's head, turning it and pushing the long hair aside. There it was! On his shoulder, hidden from view. No wonder it wasn't noted, thank god. She doubted the vampire had bitten the victim there to hide the wounds, as he did little to hide the dead body to begin with. It had been found in the middle of the alley, apparently soon after death had occurred. She stepped back, snapping off her gloves and disposing of them. What a time for Nick to be gone! A vampire was killing and not doing a very good job of covering it up. This meant trouble. ***** Roger woke to find himself lying in the grass, with a gnawing hunger. "Hungry?" the taunting voice asked. Roger turned at the voice, eyes blazing, and ready to attack. "Yessss, we are hungry," Divia hissed, firmly grasped his shoulder, holding him back. "Come with me, and I will show you how to take the pain away, to satisfy your hunger," Divia promised. Hours later, the two vampires stepped away from another kill. Roger smiled evilly at his master, having enjoyed these past hours. Yet, his obsession with Natalie was creeping through his thoughts again. "You want her, don't you?" she hissed. Roger glanced at Divia, realizing she saw his thoughts, his desires. "You can have anything you want. You are now free of your mortal bonds. It is yours to take, everything your heart desires," she taunted. Roger responded with a smile, fangs protruding past his thirsty lips. Anything my heart desires, he thought. His thoughts returned to the morgue, his Natalie. She would now be truly his forever. ***** "Another one?" Natalie asked sarcastically as another body arrived. What the hell was happening here? Some vampire was going nuts. And Nick was gone. She always depended on him for help with this type of murder, but he wasn't around. And by the time he would get home, it would be out of control. And that meant ...Enforcers. Ahhh, hell. This was going to be a rough night. She went through the motions of examining the body, knowing it would be another vampire kill. The lack of blood, lack of normal wounds. Just twin puncture wounds in the neck. The first body had shoulder wounds, but every body since had regular vampire neck wounds. Was it the same vampire? Maybe she was dealing with more than one? "Bingo! A hundred points for Natalie," Schanke shouted. Natalie turned, not certain she'd even see him this time. But he was there, fully materialized. "It's more than one, Schanke?" Schanke nodded and smiled. "Did any of the bodies have more than one set of puncture wounds?" he asked as he casually examined his hair in the mirror. Natalie blushed, embarrassed at her sloppiness. "Once I found a set of bites, I didn't look further. I didn't think to look for more." She turned back to the body and searched the other side of the victim's neck. There it was. A second pair of wounds. She quickly turned back to Schanke, wondering aloud, "Two sets...but..." Schanke was gone again. She rolled her eyes at his recurring disappearing act. ***** Roger landed on the roof with Divia, and he searched the lot for signs of Natalie's presence. "Reach out for her. Do you smell her? Her special scent?" Divia prodded her creation. Roger concentrated, thinking of Natalie, and he picked up a scent that was familiar. "She's here. Inside somewhere. I can smell her." Divia stepped closer, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Let us find her so you may have her." Roger turned to smile at Divia. This unlife was all that he had ever desired. He could truly seek out all he desired and craved. He could be with those who accepted his personal obsessions and would not try to stop him. Divia snapped her head to the side as she picked up the scent she had been waiting for. So, he had returned early. She would have to return to her corpse and prepare for her father, her son. "Tell me, what should we do first?" Roger asked, noticing his master had been suddenly distracted. Divia turned back to Roger, eyes ablaze and suddenly very bored with him. She hissed, "Enough...I have important things to do. Playtime is done." She took off into what was remaining of the night sky and disappeared, leaving Roger standing on the roof. Had he done something wrong to anger her? Maybe he didn't understand all that this life entailed just yet. No matter. His plan to take Natalie had not changed. He would have to do this without any help. He had learned enough. What had she said about how his evilness had made his training progress faster than most? He landed on the ground in the shadows by the building's entrance. His speed allowed him access past the guard with little effort, and he was inside the building. Now it would be easy. He just followed her scent. End Part 2 ======================= Heaven Sent Me An Angel A Different View Story Copyright July 2000 By Mary Denhart ======================= Part 3 Natalie had checked the other bodies. Some had double sets of puncture wounds, some didn't. Natalie sat at her desk, rubbing her temples. She was getting one hell of a headache. She poured the ibuprofen tablets into her hand and popped them into her mouth, chased down with her coffee. Was it a pair of vampires feeding together? Then why didn't both always feed? Maybe it was a master and a new vampire. That would explain why the master didn't always feed from the body. Schanke appeared again, sitting on the sink. "Hey, you're on a roll, Nat!" "You can't tell me, can you?" Nat asked, getting up from her desk. She walked over to the sink where Schanke sat. "Just give me hints. Protect me. Right?" "Something like that. But you're batting 1000," Schanke commented, as he swung an imaginary bat in his hand. "But who are the vampires? How do we stop them, Schanke?" she asked, panicking. She turned away, continuing, "The Enforcers will get wind of this, if they haven't already." She looked back to Schanke. "You know what they are, don't you?" she asked, uncertain about Schanke knowing the danger. "Yeah, nasty devils, aren't they? Ugly, too." he snickered. "But they have their purpose. Trust me. Just keep doing your thing, Nat." ***** Natalie was really getting worried about where all this was going. Things were happening so fast. She had had to deal with a lot of vampire cover-ups before, but this was getting out of control. She filled her mug with the freshly brewed coffee, fixing it just the way she liked it. Even if she found out which vampires were responsible, she doubted she would be able to live with that information. Natalie walked back to her office, thinking about her choices. The master had to be an out-of-town vampire or a new vampire himself. Certainly, a sloppy vampire or one that just didn't care. Where was a good crusader when you needed him, she thought sarcastically. The shift was almost over, and she still had no real answers, none she could give the Captain anyway. She pushed the door open and made her way to the desk, sitting down to enjoy her coffee for a few minutes. "It's so nice to see you again, Natalie," Roger said, after a few moments of silently watching her. He slowly approached from the other side of the room. Natalie jumped up from her chair, backing up to the wall in terror. "Roger!" Roger stopped his advance towards her as he responded, "I see you do remember me, sweet Natalie." His eyes started to glow and his fangs protruded from his mouth. Natalie cupped a hand over her mouth in surprise. "My God, it's you! You're the one!" "We will be together forever, Natalie," Roger taunted, stepping closer. Natalie slid along the wall, trying to get further away from the vampire. "NOOO...stay away." But she knew her attempts to escape would be futile. "The broom, Natalie!" a voice shouted. She heard Schanke's voice and obeyed, picking up the wooden-handled broom near her. She pointed the handle end at Roger, daring him to come closer, ready to stake him through the heart. He smiled and laughed at her feeble attempts to keep him away. "Natalie, even as a mortal, that wouldn't have kept me away." He took another step closer, still laughing maniacally. Natalie heard whispers from Schanke, barely audible, "Forgive me, Father..." Then suddenly, Roger doubled over, expelling a whoosh of air as if the wind had been knocked out of him. As Roger was bent over and recovering from the blow, his head jerked and he fell over, hitting the table and sending it sliding into the wall. "Ouch! That one hurts!" Schanke yelped, recovering from hitting Roger over the head. Schanke watched as the table rammed into the wall, pushing Natalie backwards. She hit her head against the cabinet by the sink and slid to the floor, unconscious. "Oops!" Schanke cried. "That wasn't supposed to happen." Roger staggered to his feet again, confused about his unknown and unseen attacker. Red eyes darted around the room as he was poised to attack whoever might show themselves. The doors suddenly swung open, and three vampires rapidly entered the room. Roger stood growling, blocking their approach to his Natalie, unconscious on the floor behind him. The darkly-clad trio glanced at each other and exchanged thoughts at how stupid the young vampire was. One of them suddenly was behind Roger and held him firmly in his grasp, as another approached with wooden stake in his hand. The Enforcer holding Roger grazed his fangs along his neck and spoke to his mind. "You have brought too much attention to the vampire community. The penalty is death." With that decree, the Enforcer immediately thrust the stake into Roger's chest, piercing his heart. Roger stiffened at the sharp stabbing and unwillingly relinquished his life with a whimper. The Enforcer holding Roger from behind grasped the limp body firmly and lifted the dead form into his arms, while the third Enforcer stepped forward and looked at the unconscious woman on the floor. "She knows," the third one spoke to his brothers. "She did not see you," Schanke intoned in his best imitation of Nick's hypnotic voice. The Enforcer turned back to his brothers. "Who said that?" They shook their heads, not knowing what he was talking about. He turned back to the still form on the floor. He had never felt such power like what he was feeling now, as if a barrier kept him from approaching the woman. "She did not see us, " he repeated to his brothers. "Her disappearance would be hard to explain," Schanke persisted in monotone. "It would be hard to explain her disappearance," the Enforcer said and turned back to his brothers. "Let's leave to take care of this one and be done with it," he said, tilting his head towards the body held in his brother's arms. Just as quickly as they had arrived, they disappeared from the room and Schanke breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you, God," he whispered, eyes looking upward. Schanke knelt on the floor and lightly slapped Natalie's cheeks. "Nat? Are you okay? Wake up." He sat on the floor next to her and laid her head on his lap as he smoothed her hair. "Please, Nat. Please be okay." Natalie stirred slowly at first, then she jerked awake and sat up abruptly. "Schank!" Her eyes darted around the room, looking for signs of her attacker. Not finding him, she looked back at Schanke, now fully materialized. "It's all over, Nat." Confused, Nat asked, "How?" Schanke smiled and replied, "Remember those nasty devils we talked about?" Nat's eyes grew large. "The Enforcers?" "Yep. The very same. Been here and gone." "But..." Why did they let her live? "Good ol' Schank took care of them for ya. I told you not to worry. It's my job." He secretly prayed that he was forgiven for interfering directly. He wasn't supposed to do that, but the danger to Natalie had been supernatural, so he figured it was okay if the help had been too. Natalie, overwhelmed with emotion of the night's events, leapt into Schanke's arms and hugged him tightly before planting thank you kisses all over his face. "Whoahh, Nat. I'm a married man," he protested with a smile, before a sadness crept over his face. "Well, I was before I died..." he added. "I still think of her as my wife. I miss her." Nat hugged Schanke tenderly and whispered, "Of course you do, Schank." Schanke pulled back, smiling. "I have some good news for you. Guess who is getting home just about now before the sun comes up? Nick. He heard of the escape and rushed to come home early." At the news, Nat's eyes sparkled, and she bit her lower lip in anticipation. God, how she had missed him during this emergency. Then she saw Schanke's saddened expression. "Did I do okay, Nat?" he asked. Nat smiled and brushed her palm against Schanke's cheek. "You did great, Schank. The best angel heaven could have sent me." Schanke grasped her hand from his cheek and squeezed it in his hand. "Tell him I said hi, Nat. Tell him I miss him. He was the best partner...and friend I ever had. Even if he is a vampire for now." "For now?" Nat queried. "Do you know something?" Schanke smiled and teased, "Now, Nat, I can't give everything away. And would you two stop playing the 'friends' game? Make me a happy spirit and do something about how you two feel for each other?" Nat smiled and hugged her friend again, whispering, "You've got a deal, Schank." ***** Divia arose late in the afternoon and checked again on her corpse hidden safely away. Lucius had finally returned home late yesterday morning, shortly after she had left Roger to his little mortal. Divia had watched her father from the roof as he returned to his inn. She smiled as she remembered his discomfort, his uncertainty about what he felt. What she had planned was best carried out starting in the early evening with an entire night to torture him. So she had been content in yesterday's morning hours to just watch and cause confusion in her father, her son. Her plan had been formulated to perfection during the night. As Natalie had fed Roger's obsession, Lucius fed hers. Revenge that lasts forever. To leave him as she was left. Alone. The day's sleep had passed slowly, but it was now time. She watched and listened for the opportunity. Lucius had just walked out the front doors for his evening walk. It was time. The plan was now in motion. He would suffer as she had been made to suffer. Sweet Revenge. The End. Comments welcome at