Title: All for a Good Cause Author: Emily Hanson Added: 05-09-01
Summary: Nick Night and Don Schanke put on rubber suits and sumo wrestle for charity.


Size: 8.42k
Title: Christmas Magic Author: Emily Hanson Added: 05-09-01
Summary: Nick received a Christmas present from the dragons.


Size: 13.56k
Title: City of Chaos Author: Emily Hanson Added: 05-09-01
Summary: Identical twins, also vampire fledglings, risk breaking the code to save lives.


Size: 96.12k
Title: Forever Strike Author: Emily Hanson Added: 05-09-01
Summary: Nick lets Schanke talk him into playing in bowling tournament.


Size: 8.18k
Title: Full Moon at the Raven Author: Emily Hanson Added: 08-07-01
Summary: Nick and Schanke have an arm-wrestling contest.


Title: A Halloween to Remember Author: Emily Hanson Added: 05-10-01
Summary: Nat receives a proposal on Halloween.


Size: 10.63k
Title: Last Q Author: Emily Hanson Added: 05-11-01
Summary: Q transports Nick forward in time to the Enterprise and gives him a choice: Erase Last Knight and have Nat back or become mortal.


Size: 40.14k
Title: The Scent of Darkness Author: Emily Hanson Added: 08-07-01
Summary: Nick and Schanke must defeat the evil dragon Hei Long, who is on a rampage in Toronto.  PG-13 for fantasy violence.


Size: 105.83k
Title: Schanke's Return Author: Emily Hanson Added: 05-12-01
Summary: Nick receives a mysterious phone call from the deceased Detective Schanke. Where has he been and what has happened to him?


Size: 59.5k
Title: Stone of Embers Author: Emily Hanson Added: 05-12-01
Summary: Sequel to Schanke's Return - A body of a vampire turns up on Dr Lambert's table and it's not disintergrating.  Could this be linked to other murders with a strange chemical involved?  The Paranormal Investigation Unit are on the case.


Size: 58.1k
Title: Wanderers of the Dark Author: Emily Hanson Added: 05-12-01
Summary: Part of the Schanke's Return Series - Nick is house hunting when a few surprises get in the way.  Now with the help of Detective Schanke, they have to stop a killer before he kills again.


Size: 101k
Title: Darkest Hour Author: Diane Harris Added: 05-30-01
Summary: Post Last Knight.  We never really did get to see the aftermath....


Size: 12.27k
Title: Do Not Go Gentle Author: Diane Harris Added: 05-30-01
Summary: LaCroix brutalizes Nick in a fit of anger and is disturbed to find that he regrets it.  What is to become of his and Nick's already broken relationship?  ADULT - DISTURBING


Size: 95.04k
Title: Eye of the Beholder Author: Diane Harris Added: 06-04-01
Summary: #4 in Darkness Series.  A string of vampire killings leads Nick on a hunt to find the culprit, but with Nat working on a possible cure and a strange new associate named Alihra, who seems to know him more than he knows himself, he can hardly devote the time he wants into solving the murders.


Size: 216.87k
Title: In Flagrante Delicto Author: Diane Harris Added: 06-04-01
Summary: Is Nick really the angsty, depressed vampire that he seems to be? 


Size: 7.67k
Title: In the Grand Scheme of Things Author: Diane Harris Added: 06-04-01
Summary: Post LK - We never did get to see the aftermath...


Size: 9.26k
Title: Of Pink Caddies and Practical Jokes Author: Diane Harris Added: 06-04-01
Summary: Sequel In Flagrante Delicto - Didn't Janette say that the best revenge was revenge?


Size: 10.20k
Title: Psychiatrist is a Dish Best Served Cold Author: Diane Harris Added: 06-04-01
Summary: Sequel In the Grand Scheme of Things - And you thought I couldn't possibly write any more on the subject...


Size: 7.26k
Title: Rage, Rage Against the Dying Light Author: Diane Harris Added: 06-04-01
Summary: Sequel Do Not Go Gentle - Nick assumes that LaCroix is insincere in his apologies.  LaCroix contemplates his relationship with Nick, and Nick has realizations of his own.  ADULT - DISTURBING


Size: 100.10k
Title: Sadness, in a Minor Key Author: Diane Harris Added: 06-05-01
Summary: A special  song brings back memories, and takes on a whole new meaning for Natalie.


Size: 91.05k
Title: Through a Glass Darkly Author: Diane Harris Added: 06-04-01
Summary: What would happen if Nick were given what he's always wanted?


Size: 180.72k
Title: Thoughts on Togetherness at Three in the Morning Author: Ell Hase Added: 08-31-01
Summary: I've often wondered what would happen if Nick got his wish, truly became mortal and "real life" set in. I've also often thought that Nick's vampiric charisma and "unavailability" as lover was part of the attraction for Natalie. That's how this story came about. ADULT Size: 3.45k


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