Title: The Card Author: Mary Denhart Added: 05-16-01
Summary: Just what did the card say that Nick gave to Nat in "My Boyfriend is a Vampire"? CHALLENGE


Size: 1.22k
Title: Heaven Sent Me an Angel Author: Mary Denhart Added: 05-16-01
Summary: Story made with Nat, Schanke, Divia, Roger and the Enforcers thrown together randomly.  CHALLENGE


Size: 32.03k
Title: Untitled Author: Eve Dutton Added: 08-31-01
Summary: Untitled Poem


Size: 0.55k
Title: When the Night Wind Calls Author: DragonLady Added: 08-06-01
Summary: Blood-links aren't just for orders, they have more sensual uses... (Harem)


Size: 6.81k


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