Title: Heaven's Help Author: Laura Janvrin Added: 05-16-01

Summary: Angels are sent to help Nick and Nat reclaim their love, but something goes awry and they end up fighting for the lives of the world and for Nick.


Size: 60.41k
Title: The Red Strokes Author: Laura Janvrin Added: 05-17-01
Summary: A push from a song give Nick and Nat the impetus to truly show their love.


Size: 11.57k
Title: The Clearing Fog Author: Javieress Added: 13-08-01
Summary: Everything becomes clear to Tracy after tragic events, a strange case, and a few visitors.


Size: 63.75k
Title: Forever's Not Enough Author: Javieress Added: 05-16-01
Summary: Tracy and Vachon have a moment, and something more, after she staked him.


Size: 12.80k
Title: Resolution Author: Javieress Added: 05-17-01
Summary: Tracy plays bait for a serial murderer, against the wishes of Nick and Vachon.


Size: 32.65k
Title: Want something done - do it yourself Author: Javieress Added: 06-04-01
Summary: Tired of waiting, Tracy takes matter into her own hands!


Size: 5.29k
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