Title: Zero Sun Author: Carrie B. Added: 05-17-01
Summary: Nick finds another person with multiple-personality disorder... Alyssa.  Can he and Nat patch things up for support?


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Title: Conversations with a Vampire Author: Laurel Bowman Added: 08-06-01
Summary: #1 in the 5 Years Later series - Nick comes to Vancouver to see Nat 5 years after Last Knight and gets a real surprise.


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Title: Evening with a Friend Author: Laurel Bowman Added: 08-06-01
Summary: #3 in the 5 years later series - Nick and Nat have a night out, chat, and then find out some distressing news...


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Title: The Morning After Author: Laurel Bowman Added: 08-06-01
Summary: #4 in the 5 Years Later series - Marcus is still alive, unknown to a grieving Nat, but will he stay that way at the hands of his captors?


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Title: Nick in Paris Author: Laurel Bowman Added: 08-06-01
Summary: #5 in the 5 Years Later Series - Nick returns to Paris to prepare for his rescue attempt in Sierra Leone.


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Title: The Vampire LaCroix Author: Laurel Bowman Added: 08-06-01
Summary: #2 in the 5 Years Later Series - LaCroix visits Nat ad they have a chat....


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Title: Love Conquers All Author: C. Brady Added: 05-21-01
Summary: Nat becomes increasingly detached and thinks of leaving Toronto.  Nick decides that he has to do something to win her back, but will love truly conquer all?  ADULT


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