To Win is To Loose. By Knightie Katrinka Thursday Evening LCbody used with permission Note: Nickmind will be refered to as Nick in this post, and LaCroixmind will be refered to as LaCroix in this post. The meeting took place soon after dark. Three people huddled in the garage. The people where mortal Knighties, Nancy, Sandra, and Eowyn. They waited for the fourth member of the group. "Are you sure he said he will come?" Nancy asked. "Are you sure you had the right number? The cousins might have had it tapped." Sandra pointed out. "Nick once showed me a phone number to a secret line of LaCroix's if we needed it." Eowyn explained. "Why on earth would he do that?" Before Eowyn could answer, the door to the garage opened. A very well dressed vampire walked into the garage. His name was Nick Knight, though at the moment he looked like LaCroix. He was wearing a pair of sunglasses. He looked the group over. "Good evening," "Nick?" Sandra asked. "Yes, it's me." Nick took off his sunglasses. "Do I need to tell you something to convince you?" "That would be nice." "You Sandra are a direct descendent of LaCroix." THe two other Knighties exchanged shocked glances. Finally Nancy said. "Is this true?" "Yes, it's true." Sandra admitted. "Does he know?" "Yes, he knows!" Sandra tried to get the memory of the past war out of her mind, the war she found out she was related to LaCroix. "Next question!" Nick thought for a moment. "Eowyn and Nancy, I sent you to Hawaii for vacation after the last war. I don't think *he* would know that." "Then it is you!" Eowyn said with a smile. "Do you mean LaCroix never told you we switched?" Nick asked. "No, he's acting like you!" Sandra said. "How many people believe the switch?" "Just the three of us." "What about Katrinka?" "Zapped again." Nancy sighed. "She's useless right now." "So what are the Knighties doing?" "Last time we looked, playing games." Eowyn wrinkled her brow. "Kat's put in Air Supply. I *hate* Air Supply." "Their not trying to find out what happened?" "I think LaCroix whammed them. The Knighties don't care if they find the answer." Sandra said. "I've got to talk to them! Try to make them see sense!" Nick said firmly. "We'll come with you!" "The three of you stay here!" Nick ordered. "I don't want you getting into danger." "Nick..." Then Nick thought for a moment. "I've got a plan!" *************************** Nick Knight used the stairs to get into the loft. The sounds of the "Pokemon Polka" made his ears ache. Several of the Knighties where playing tag. Nick's body was sitting on the couch watching the girls. He looked at Nick, and stood up. "We have company." The woman stopped and looked at the new arrival. Katrinka let out an inhuman scream, which made Nick's ears hurt! "LaCroix!" One Knightie yelled. Mindy went to Nick, and looked into his eyes. "Get out of the loft!" He could feel the Knightie fall under his sway. "I'm not LaCroix, I'm Nick!" "Your Nick!" Mindy said firmly. LaCroix grabbed Mindy by the shoulders and pulled her away from him. The woman ran up the steps to the bedroom. Gemsong followed close behind. "What are you doing in my loft LaCroix?" "Do you really think I'm LaCroix?" LaCroix smiled a very strange smile. "Who else would you be?" "I'm Nick Knight." The smile turned almost feral. "Oh is that so?" "Girls, you have to believe me!" Nick told his faction. "I'm really Nick! Don't you remember the pajamas I gave you?" "Anyone could know about the pajamas." "Then tell me, what color are they?" When LaCroix didn't answer, Nick smiled. "You don't know! Their black silk!" There was a murmuring from several of the Knighties. One said. "He's right." "Anyone could have told you that!" LaCroix countered. "What about the holes in the floor?" Nick looked at his faction leader. "Don't you remember the cooking contest last war? The exploding cookies?" "I didn't do that!" Katrinka told him. "I never said you did. You made the best brownies last war." Nick continued. "They had white chocolate and dark chocolate chips." LaCroix grabbed Nick. "We need to talk! NOW!" "Fight him!" Nick told them, as he was drug into the elevator. "Don't let LaCroix win!" Nick was able to see out of the corner of his eyes, a group of Knighties gathered together in a football huddle. His plan was beginning to work. ************************* LaCroix drug Nick out onto the street. "You are not going to win!" "Of course I'll win!" Nick smiled. "My Knighties are loyal." "By the end of the day, there will be no Knighties. Only Cousins!" "So that's your plan." "It gets better." LaCroix had the smile of a madman. "I haven't lived for two thousand years to let a mere PUNK destroy me. Oh no dear Nick, you'll be the one who has no faction!" "You really think they'll believe you?" "You have a faction of fools. None of them have questioned the fact that I'm Nick Knight." LaCroix smirked. "Not even one whisper!" "So what will you do with them?" "If I stay in this body, I'll allow them to be my loyal slaves. I miss having slaves." LaCroix curled his lip. "Then it's only a matter of time till my faction rejoins me." Nick let the vampire rave about his plans. That was one thing he knew about LaCroix. The man was proud, very proud. He liked to brag about plans. He knew that he had to make time for the Knighties. ************************ Sandra stood watch out for the Knighties. When she saw LaCroix enter the lift, she ran to the intercom and buzzed. She waited a few minutes for the elevator to disappear. Nick had offered her an assignment. A mission that might help them finds a reason for the switches, but would take her away from the Knighties. Then Nick entered the garage. "Are you ready?" "Of course I am." Sandra grabbed her backpack. "Are you sure you want to do this?" Nick asked gently. "I have to. We need to find the cure." The Knightie said firmly. "Besides, the assignment isn't that hazardous." "I'll make sure your back by Sunday afternoon." Nick promised. "I know you will." Sandra found herself smiling. Nick smiled back. "Let's go then." **************************** When LaCroix returned to the loft, he found the Knighties back to normal. They where back to playing Air Supply on the stereo. They acted as if the real Nick had ever visited the loft. "Is he gone?" Eowyn asked. "He'll never darken our door again!" LaCroix promised. "Then it's time to celebrate!" The red head said. "No more LaCroix!" Beth said jumping up and down. "Come on Nick!" Katrinka said, grabbing LaCroix's hand. "Let's play twister!" The former general found himself led to the twister mat. "One game!" AIM KatrinkaKnighties Acting Leader of the Knighties To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to AIM KatrinkaKnighties Acting Leader of the Knighties