War: Knighties: Say Uncle Time: Fri eve Place: loft By: Knighties Mindy & Gemsong & Katrinka LaCroix in Nick's body is refered to as LaCroix in this post The Knighties were resting, some by the tv, others in the kitchen scrounging up a snack. Gem was absent-mindedly picking at the piano and humming quietly to herself. This war is definately turning into something strange, and the knighties had decided to take a break from the chaos and spend the day with LaCroix , doing nothing. Or mostly nothing......a movie marathon sounded like a nice respite from the world at this point, and with Nick's five disc DVD player the knighties could spend the day watching their brains turn to mush as they became couch potatoes. Mindy decided on a few chick-flicks, Ladyhawke (the official knightie movie), Much Ado About Nothing, Princess Bride, Krull, Coyote Ugly, and Pretty Woman. With the DVD's loaded and ready, the knighties headed to the kitchen for snacks. They popped some corn, grabbed a couple bags of chips, and piled onto the sofa, and surrounding floor. LaCroix was wedged in-between a few Knighties on the couch. Min and Gem sat on either side of him, doing their best impersonation of "Knighties in Repose", using Nick as a pillow. Beth and Katrinka were seated at the floor, using Nickbods legs as head rests. No one took any heed . of the rather irritated glare he gave. All part of the plan... ***************** The Knighties had a mission. To drive the vampire that inhabited Nick Knight's body insane. They had tried almost everything, from twister marathons to sing along. Nothing the Knighties had used as a form of torture could be considered evil, but it could be annoying. The Knighties loyally carried out the plan set by Nick Knight. He had told them that the only way to get LaCroix out of the loft was to drive him out. Kindness and unbridled enthusiasm would be method to make LaCroix leave. It was the second hour of the Pompeii marathon. The British channel was playing the classic program "Up Pompeii" based on the renowned memories of Lurcio the former slave. The Knighties made sure that LaCroix suffered through the program. They lied to him, telling him that it was Nick's favorite series. The Knighties could see LaCroix rolling his eyes as he watched the show. But to keep his cover, he couldn't' say anything. LaCroix mumbled several times under his breath. Mindy, the most observant of the faction decided it was time to move onto round two. Simply watching the show wouldn't be enough. It was time to begin the Forester method of torture. "I thought Senator Ludicrus was wonderful." Mindy said as she glanced at LaCroix. "He shows what Romans are *really* like." "Can you believe his daughter's dating gladiators?" Gemsong said, ever so innocently. "They're so dreamy!" "That one's even better looking then Crowe!" "Free woman did not date gladiators! Especially a Senator's daughter!" LaCroix said pompously. "They should base it more on fact." "How would you know? You weren't there!" "LaCroix told me how it was like." the vampire said firmly. "He might have been lying." Mindy said. "He's been known to do that." "Yeah! LaCroix lies all the time." Maria agreed. "They shouldn't call him the Nightcrawler, they should call him the Knightlier!" That made the Knighties burst out laughing. With perfect timing, a character came on that was based on LaCroix! A Roman general singing "I am so beautiful To Me." "Look at that general, Lucious! Can you believe that anyone could be that dim witted?" Mindy said between laughs. "Can you believe he's so vein?" Eowyn asked. "Yeah, they say he was based on a *real* general." Marie snorted. "He probably only won because he conquered somewhere uninhabited!" The general kept peeking at himself in a mirror. The senator's wife Ammonia threw herself at his feet. "Oh general, we love you!" The youngest daughter also threw herself at his feet. "I'll give up my gladiators for your love!" That made the woman laugh harder. "Oh my gosh! The first cousins!" Their peels of laughter grew even louder as the son threw himself at Lucious. "His hair is almost as bad as LaCroix's." Mindy gurgled. "Can you believe he has hair like a q-tips?" "That's it! Turn it off!" LaCroix ordered. "But Nick!" "DO IT!" He screamed. Eowyn did as she was commanded. The Knighties looked defeated. Katrinka came into the living room, holding a portable radio. "Nick. There's a new show on the radio. The Knightdorker!" "Hello my children, this is the KnightDorker! Playing the most stupidest songs you have ever heard." The announcer said in a deep southern accent. "This is the next song, dedicated to LaCross. Y'all come back now, y'all hear?" The song "You Light Up My life." began to play on the radio. Katrinka and the rest of the Knighties began to sing along, loudly and out of tune. "That's it!" LaCroix screamed. "I don't know how Nick puts up with you! The lot of you are insane!" "Us? Insane?" Katrinka said innocently. "Let's have a puppy pile!" Mindy shouted. At the bottom of yet another puppy pile, LaCroix sneared. This was really getting to be too much. Min and Gem leaned into LaCroix, one at each ear and whispered in unison, "Say Uncle," in a tone that left no doubt whatsoever that the Knighties knew exactly what was going on. The ruse was over. He'd been caught, and judging from what Nicholas' followers had been putting him through, they'd known for awhile. He, the Great Lucien LaCriox, had been suckered. He'd underestimated them. Bad move, that. With a feral growl he picked himself up off the floor, dislodging the Knighties none too gently and made his escape from the loft, and those... those heathen women. Especially those two redheads. *Gemsong and Mindy* He thought the names with a hiss of distaste. The instigators, he was sure of it. Then, his lips twitched in a faint smile. *Oh, but I will remember you two. And the whole bloody lot of your followers Nicholas, for a long time coming.* >> Katrinka@flash.net AIM KatrinkaKnighties Acting Leader of the Knighties