War: Knighties: "Two Ships Passing in the Knight" (01/01) Date/Time: Thurs., July 5, 2001; early evening; follows "The Sweet Smell of Cookies" Place: Nick's loft By Brooksie All Knighties used with permission; Natbody used with permission of the NNP Synopsis: Nick and Nat contact each other and the personalities rejoin their factions -------------------- The phone rang. And rang. And rang. Multiple pairs of eyes looked expectantly at Nick, who was huddled at the top of the loft's stairs. "Well, it's not for me!" he said plaintively. The answering machine clicked on. 'Yeah, this is Nick Knight. I am either in bed or incommunicado. So if you want, leave a message.' "Hello, Nat?" said Natalie's voice. "Are you there?" Nancy ran to pick up the phone, as Nick was still looking shell-shocked. "Hello, this is Nancy. Is this, um, Nick?" "Nancy! Yes, but how did you know?" "Something funky is going on Nick. Nat is, er... You, ah... are not quite yourself." "Tell me about it. It's a Natmare!" Nat said and laughed. Nancy heard other voices laughing in the background. The Knighties gathered around Nancy and the phone, while others looked up at Nick. Suddenly he shouted down to Nancy. "Tell Nick to get over here. If I can fly, then he can go out in the sun. Tell him yesterday isn't soon enough." And then Nick went back to looking shell-shocked. Nancy said into the phone, "Nick, I think your body needs you! Hurry!" and then hung up. "Nick's on his way, Nick, um, er, Nat." Nancy yelled up to Nick. *Geez, this is going to get weird,* she thought. The Knighties were mulling around the loft. Some were munching on the chocolate chip cookies that Nick had baked while watching the big screen TV. Gemsong was plinking at the grand piano and singing. Nancy was up on the roof in Nick's radio shack, re-familiarizing herself with his expensive ham radio set-up, and checking up on the Faraday shield installed in War 10 to block electronic spying. Mindy was also up on the roof, admiring the garden that Roz had planted for Nick. She was surprised to see sunflowers growing there. Brooksie was telling everyone how to arrange the furniture so that all the sleeping bags would fit. When she realized that no one was listening to her, she decided to take her Golden Retriever, Ginger, for a walk. Katrinka and Tracey were gathered around Nick at the top of the stairs, trying to cheer him up. Sandra was sketching the trio, trying not to think about what was happening to her favorite vampire. And Lisa was getting advice on how to set up her medical school loans for the greatest tax benefit from the Knightie accountant. When the front door finally buzzed, Jenn got up to activate the security TV. "Natalie's here," Brooksie's voice came through the TV. "She's on her way up." Nick's head snapped up at the announcement and flew down to the sliding elevator door just as Nat was pulling it open. "Nick," she cried. Nick gave Nat a bear hug and lifted her off the floor. "Nat", she said, acutely aware that all the Knighties were looking at them with misty eyes. "Put me down. This is embarrassing." "Nick, this is all so confusing. I didn't know what you go through every day. I had no idea. Oh, Nick, I'm so sorry for ever doubting you. Please forgive me?" Blood tears trickled down Nick's face. Jenn grabbed a paper towel and passed it to Lisa who passed it to Nat who gave it to Nick. "Here. Wipe your eyes. You're going to ruin one of my favorite shirts." Nick swatted at Nat, then wiped his eyes, and blew his nose. "Come on, we have to get you back to your apartment. I promised the Natpackers that I'd have you home by dark." "B-b-b-but, it's still daylight out for at least another two hours," Nick exaggerated. "How are we going to get there?" Natalie's face lit up. "Well, there's my long raincoat, hat and dark glasses. I think that I still have some of that Skin Pretty SPF 50 sunscreen, and you get to ride in luxury in the back of the Caddy," she paused for effect, "in the trunk!" "WHAT?" cried Nick. "Wait a minute. Is this some kind if revenge for that court case when..." Knighties were dressing Nick in the aforementioned clothing, "...I made that remark about smelling like coconuts...," someone smeared Skin Pretty on Nick's face, "...Are you going to be able to drive that boat? I have short legs - I can barely see over the steering wheel...," Nick was herded into the elevator with the other Knighties. "N-iiiiiick!" he wailed as Nat closed the trunk lid over him. "Nat, relax. This car has the most trunk room of any car made. You'll be fine, you'll see. Besides it’ll be after sunset when we get to your apartment." And with that Natalie got into the driver's seat and backed the Caddy out of the garage. END