this is being resent, cause this knightie leader put the wrong header on it! I know, I have to eat some of these cookies! Revenge is a Dish Best Served with Cookies (02/02) By Knightie Katrinka Time: Sometime Sunday after the attack by the Natpack Natpackers used with permission :) **************************** Some few hours later, three brave and loyal, Knighties stood in front of the Apartment Building of the Damned - home to Natalie Lambert and the Natpacker HQ. Tracey, Mindy and Brooksie (and her dog Ginger) had cleaned up from all the flour and sugar and eggs and, well, you know, baking is a messy job. Others had packed all of Katrinka's Hot Chocolate chip cookies into a large picnic hamper, and sent these intrepid three to go where no Knightie had gone before. Still others stood around wringing their hands in preparation for the guilt and angst that was to come. The three crusaders knew that the reputation, tradition and yes, the respect for their faction was on the line. They looked at each other, squared their shoulders and marched into the building's lobby. Many confused minutes later, the Knighties finally found Natalie's apartment and rang the doorbell. Kiwi Knightie Tracey was nervous, very nervous. This was the first attack, er, revenge, of the Knighties that she had participated in. Well for that matter so was Mindy and Brooksie. Ginger just panted and wagged her tail. A moment passed and a Natpacker, crowned in blue hair with bright red streaks answered the door. "Cor! Would you look at her hair, mates!" exclaimed the Kiwi Knightie. Brooksie and Mindy started singing the Marseillaise. They were rewarded by a glare from the Natpacker Leader. Finally Brooksie asked, "Are you Meg?" "Yes," the blue coifed one answered. "What are you doing here? It's not about the Caddy is it?" Tracey put on her best smile and said in her most friendly New Zealander accent. "Naw, mate. Of course it's not about the Caddy!" "No, we're not mad about the Caddy." Mindy lied. Ginger barked and wagged her tail and Brooksie just smiled. Somewhere from deep inside the apartment someone said, "Don't let that dog in here. Sidney and Grace won't like it." "Don't worry, I won't," said the Meg over her shoulder, and then turned to address the three crusader callers again. "So what *are* you doing here?" "The Knighties have a gift for you." Tracey held up the hamper. "We made fresh, warm from the over, Hot Chocolate chip cookies for Natalie and her Natpacker mates." The Natleader's eyes narrowed. "Why would the Knighties do something like that?" "Because we *are* the Knighties! And Knighties are *nice*." Said Brooksie. Her dog Ginger, barked in agreement and smiled at the door person. Mindy added, "We wanted you to know there are no hard feelings about that little stunt you played on Nick and his beloved, 1962, uniquely green, Cadillac." Meg o’ the Blue Locks took the hamper, opened it gingerly (woof) and sniffed the contents. The aroma of fresh, warm from the oven, chocolate chip cookies caressed her olfactory nerves and seduced her salivary glands into action. After a hasty "Thanks", she quickly closed the door and disappeared into the headquarters. The Knighties let a few minutes pass then ran the doorbell again. "What is it this time?" The Natpacker demanded as she set eyes on the Knighties. Ginger barked and the Knighties just nodded their heads in agreement. Shaking her head, the Natleader said, "In English, if you don't mind." "We have another gift for you." Said Brooksie grinning. "The Knighties wanted you to have this music box, mate." Tracey shoved the box at her." "Thanks a lot." the woman grabbed the music box and shut the door. As the Knighties walked away, they could hear the sounds of "Abba" playing inside the headquarters. They high-fived it, jumped into the rental (the Caddy was still being cleaned), and sped back to the Loft, eager to tell the waiting Knighties their very own War story. ******* END part 02/02 ******