Revenge is a Dish Best Served with Cookies (1/2) By Knighties Katrinka and Brooksie Time: Sometime Sunday after the attack by the Natpack Reponce to NP: A Night on the Town in the Knightmobile 1/1 ---------------------------------- Katrinka was a woman on a mission. She was looking for her *special* chocolate chips. She went through her bags, no luck there. She went through Nick's kitchen cabinets, no luck there. She even started going through some of the other Knighties' bags. Still no luck. Katrinka began scanning the Loft for potential saboteurs. The Kiwi Knightie came into her visual range. "Hey Tracey, have you seen my chocolate chips?" Katrinka demanded. "What chocolate chips?" The New Zealander asked. She was reading _Alice in Wonderland_ for the fourth time, still looking for klews. "My *special* ones! The ones I told no one to touch!" The Knightie leader growled, and began tossing things. "Not only can I not remember half this war, I can't find anything either!" she muttered to herself. Tracey got up off Nick's comfortable chair and approached the agitated leader. "Calm down Kat." "ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!" the leader screamed in frustration. "What's the problem with Kat? Asked Brooksie as she, her dog Ginger, and Nancy came into the Loft from the rooftop security room. "Kat! Calm down!" said Nancy. "How can I? The Natpack attacked us!" There was fire in Kat's eyes. "I thought we where getting along great in this war, and now this! ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!" Brooksie winced from the noise. "Kat, we'll do something about it." Again, the Knightie leader screamed in frustration. "How can we? I can't find my chocolate!" "We've got plenty of chocolate here. No need to panic. Look at all the stuff people brought. We have Godiva, Perugina, Ghiradelli, Hersey, Nestle. We have homemade fudge, truffles, and chocolate cake, even a NY chocolate cheesecake" (Brooksie winked at the Knightie financial wizard lurking in the corner of the Loft.) "And we have ...,oooh, who brought these? Dark chocolate almond raisin clusters!" "But it's not my SPECIAL CHOCOLATE!" Kat stomped her foot. Ginger barked. "OK. What's so special about your chocolate?" The leader-in-training mumbled. She knew it was not polite to talk with one's mouth full, but the dark chocolate almond raisin clusters were *good*. "They are unique," Kat said importantly, "They're chocolate chips spiked with Jalapeņo peppers!" That made many a Knightie raise and eyebrow and look up at their maybe not so sane leader. "Why on earth, Kat, would you want to have chocolate chips spiked with Jalapeņo peppers?" asked Nancy. Just the very thought of it made her shudder. "I'm going to make Hot Chocolate chip cookies for the Natpack." "And why, pray tell, would you do that?" inquired Tracey. "Duh! Hello! Because they attacked the Caddy!" Krazy Kat said, "And we need to get back at them." "Knighties don't attack." Gemsong had joined the group around the kitchen table. "This isn't an attack, its' revenge," said Tracey, catching on. Gemsong tried again. "But Knighties are nice, good, and ..." "Doormats!" finished Kat. "There is good, and there is letting yourself be run over!" Katrinka said calming down a bit. "The Knighties don't stand up for themselves enough. We're known as pushovers." "That's the problem with being good. People think of you as a pushover." Nodded Brooksie in agreement. Ginger barked. "Things are going to change Gemsong. They have to." Nancy agreed. "The Knighties should be *the* faction." "Why?" "The show's called Forever *Knight*. Not Forever Cousins!" said Kat. Ginger barked from the pantry. Brooksie emerged waving several bags of Kat's *special* chocolate chips. "We are only defending Nick. We're not attacking," she chipped in. "How did you know where they were?" Kat huffed as she examined the bags that Brooksie handed to her. Brooksie just winked and said, "The nose knows" and pointed at Ginger. The Golden barked and wagged her tail. "So what kind of attack is this?" Gemsong steered the post back on track. "Cookies, lots of cookies. As many as we can make. Cookies with that special Knightie touch." Katrinka explained. "I also have a broken music box. If you turn it on, you can't turn it off. It plays Abba songs." "You are cruel." A grin spread over Gemsong's face. "So are you going to help us?" Katrinka asked. "I'm in!" Gemsong grabbed an apron and put it on. **************************** AIM KatrinkaKnighties Acting Leader of the Knighties