How Does a Knightie Spell Relief? (01/01) Place: The Loft Date/Time: Saturday afternoon, right after "What Post Is This? What Body Is This?..." By Knightie Tracey with help from Katrinka and Brooksie All Knighties used with their permission. _____________________________________ A thick cloud of angst hung over the loft, and for once it wasn't emanating from the resident vampire, although said vampire was not exactly leaping about with joy either. Once the thrill of torturing the General with Twister, Puppy Piles, and The Spice Girls had worn off, the Knighties realized that their attempt to keep Nick in his body by tinkering with the Faraday Shield had failed. Nick had still switched with LaCroix (a true knightmare for the loyal Knighties as well as Nick) and who knew where or with whom he would end up next. Not only were Knighties relatively klewless as to why the switches were taking place, but also they now had a new threat in the form of a vampire who was incredibly ancient and who was, apparently, pretty pissed off with his descendents. Marla looked around at the gerthering of subdued Knighties, "This is not good, how are we going to solve this problem if we just sit here angsting over it?" she angsted. "We need to take some action," Maria agreed. "With Qa'ra flying about Toronto, we need to find some answers, now!" "I don't think it's us he's interested in," said Beth. "But then again he's powerful, and apparently having a really bad millennium. I would hate to be unprepared if he does decide to get interested in us." Katrinka was finished spreading salt around the Loft according to her Romany upbringing. "And Qa'ra definitely qualifies as evil. BIG evil. Does anyone have any other ideas?" "Well I know I'm just a newbie, but I think I may be able to help with this kind of protection," volunteered Tracey. "Hold on a minute just let me grab some supplies." The Knighties watched with interest as Tracey rummaged through her bags, pulling out several items. "What are these for?" asked Katrinka, holding up several candles. "I'm going to cast a protection spell," said Tracey, as she selected one black and two orange candles from the array in front of her. "The black candle is for protection," she began explaining. "When used properly it will repel negative energy. But black should never be used alone. I need to balance it. The orange candle symbolizes, creativity, alertness, and control of a situation. Things we could definitely use about now." "How do you know all this?" asked Nick. He was carrying in a case of his Holstein special blend, with extra amino acids added for energy. Tracey shrugged, "I'm Wiccan, and I've had to cast protection spells before. Although I must admit, this is the first time I've cast a spell for protection from vampires. But with a little bit of alteration, I'm sure I can come up with one that will keep the bad vampires out, and still let you come and go. Whatever body you're in." "I don't suppose you can cast a spell to stop me from hopping into other bodies can you?" Nick asked hopefully. "I don't want to even think about where I could end up if these switches don't stop." "Sorry Nick, that kind of skill is way out of my league." Tracey shook her head. "Besides, I wouldn't want to risk casting a spell directly on you, who knows what might happen." "Too bad," he put a hand on Tracey's shoulder. "But thanks for the help." He leaned down close to her ear and whispered. "We need all the help we can get." THE END