By the Pricking Of Our Thumbs Time: Thursday Takes place after Plot Twists By Knightie Katrinka Nickbody is refered to as Nick in this story. The Knighties had Nick back. This made the Knighties happy. Nick had been Nick for over a day, with no sign of personality changes. The faction had gone back to their party and games routine, with no sign of looking for the cure to the switches. They where so happy to have Nick back, that the cure no longer mattered to them. Not all Knighties were happy. The unhappy Knightie stood in the kitchen, simply watching Nick. The man acted like Nick, but something, something very fundamental was off. His body language didn't suit the man. Not being able to remember the night before also bothered her. Half the Knighties Eowyn had asked couldn't remember the night before. "Kat, what do you remember about last night?" She asked her fellow leader. Katrinka, who was checking on something in the freezer, said. "Not much." "Doesn't that bother you?" "Should it?" "You think the bear's good and dead yet?" "Bear?" Eowyn looked the Knightie leader over. "What bear?" The woman plastered on a strange smile. "Nothing!" "Kat, what can you remember from last night?" "What should I remember?" "Isn't it odd that you can't remember anything?" "Why should it be strange?" "Is there a reason you can't remember?" "I must have been drinking, that's it!" the leader giggled. "I must have been drunk." "You don't drink." Eowyn pointed out. "You told me that drinking doesn't go with your heart medication." "Always a first time." "Why would you start drinking?" "If Nick wants us to drink, we'll drink!" The Knightie grabbed a plate of cookies, and took them into the living room. Katrinka set the cookies on the table. "What's wrong?" Nick asked the leader. "Someone has been asking questions." Eowyn watched as Nick smiled kindly at the leader. He looked into her eyes and said. "You can tell me what the conversation is." The Knightie was surprised to hear Katrinka repeat the conversation she had with her! "Don't worry, I'll talk to her." Nick said, his mouth curled into an evil smile. "Of course gen." "Who?" Nick raised an eyebrow. "I'm Nick." "Yes, Nick." "I'll talk to Eowyn," Another evil smile. "I'm sure she can be persuaded to go to our side." The red headed Knightie realized she was in trouble-big trouble. She went into the pantry, searching for her vampire prevention kit. She first found the large bottle of 48-hour whammy protection. The taste was bitter, but it didn't stop her from drinking half. She then decided to cover all her bases, she puts on a David's star, a cross and a pentagram. Someone had taken Nick over. That was more then evident to Eowyn. Her mind spun as she began to think of who that vampire could be. Suddenly Sandra appeared in the doorway. Eowyn jumped. She pushed past the red head, and went into the pantry and shut the door. The woman grabbed a bottle of whammy protection and drained it. "How long have you been drinking that stuff?" Eowyn asked. "The whole war. You can never be too careful!" Sandra admitted. "We need to find a place for the stash. We don't; want them to find it." "Do you have any idea as to where?" Sandra moved a large bag of rice, behind it was a small safe. She opened it, put all the anti-whammy juice in it and locked it. "The combination is 1-2-2-8. Think you can remember it?" "Of course!" Eowyn tried to decide if she could trust Sandra. She decided to give it a chance. "I think Nick must have switched again." "I figured that out a couple of hours ago." "Who do you think he switched with?" "It can only be one person. Evil incarnate-LaCroix." "Why haven't you said anything?" Eowyn gasped. Sandra shrugged. "He hasn't done anything wrong, so why should I?" "We've got to do something about it!" "Yeah, we'll watch him." Sandra grabbed a bag of chips and left. The red head had to do something. But what? Then she realized. She would have to make a phone call. AIM KatrinkaKnighties Acting Leader of the Knighties