NP/Knightie: Almost Home at Last 2/2 by Debra Ann Immediately follows NP: Almost Home at Last 1/2 NatPackers, Nick and Katrinka used with permission. Time: 6:30 AM on the morning of July 8. Place: Nick's Loft ** The sudden whirring of the lift mechanisms was an eerie sound against the stillness of the calm quiet morning. NatMind/NickBody and several NatPackers entered the lift in sleepy silence. "You know something," Debra Ann whispered, "you missed a great opportunity." "What was that?" Nat asked. She was the one to answer Debra's question first because she felt - correctly - that it was aimed at her and second, because she was the only other person in the lift not half asleep against one of the walls. "Too early for talking," Jill said. "No more noise." Debra Ann continued speaking anyway despite the chorus of 'shhhs' coming her and Nat's way. "You look and sound like Nick. You could have gone down to the bank and cashed some of those unopned paychecks in his drawer and --" "No way!" Nat shouted. "I would never!" Suddenly Judy's eyes flew open and she spoke, "What are you? A Merc?" "No," Debra Ann answered quietly. "Just thinking out loud." "Anyway I already have the passwood to his computer bank account," Nat leaned over and whispered into Debra's ear. "You know. Just in case." "Of course!" Just then the lift came to a stop and the loft doors opened. The NatPacker with Nat/Nick in tow entered. "Hey," said the NatPack. "Hey," answered the Knighties. What? It was too early for deep thoughtful conversation. Some of us NatPackers were only awake and walking at this early hour because of caffeine overdoses. "Nick, am I glad to see you!" NickBody yelled as NatBody appeared from the downstairs bathroom. "Oh Nat, I am so happy to s---" Suddenly NickMind/NatBody stopped dead in his/her tracks. "Do NOT tell me you went out in public like that?!? I hope you rode in the trunk!" "It's not light enough out yet for the trunk!" "Sunlight or not! You have lipstick on my face!" NatMind/NickBody spun towards the present NatPackers. "You told me in the car I didn't have any lipstick still on." She was only answered by laughter. "You made me look like a girl, Nat." "Oh I wonder why that is! Could it be possibly maybe somehow be because I am a WOMAN, Nick?!?" "Make love, not war," Judy intoned. "How'd you get me into an angora sweater, Nat?" NatBody started to pout. "It matched the lipstick and the eye shadow," Meg said. "Eye shadow. In public?" NatBody sighed. "You know lipstick kisses off," Debra Ann said. "You can kiss it off her, Nick." "Yeah," Judy agreed. "That's not a bad idea," NatBody said, as she/he embraced and kissed NickBody. It was sweet in an odd sort of way. "Well, we brought you here to talk, not make out," Katrinka interrupted. "Shall we all take a seat?" "I guess so," NickBody said with a nod. "I just feel so weak suddenly." "Me too," was the answer from NatBody. "Are you guys okay?" Several NatPackers and Knighties asked at the same time. "Y-y-y--" Both Nick and Nat started to say 'yes' but neither got it out all the way before collapsing to the floor. Every NatPacker and Knightie in the room ran to surround them in a circle. "Help them up," one person said. "No, don't touch them," said another. "Look, they are waking up," Jen cried out. "Nat, are you okay?" Debra Ann asked in a panic, throwing drops of water on both Nat and Nick's faces. "Nick??" called the worried Knighties as they fanned the pair with their hands. "Nat?" Debra Ann asked again. "I'm okay, I guess," NatBody said, sitting up. "Nat??" "Yes?" she answered groggily. "What happened?" "Suddenly you are good old you again!" "Nick!" Katrinka called out. NickBody sat up and responded. "Yeah?" "This is great!" Katrinka announced. "They're not switched anymore. Nick, how do you feel?" "Okay, I guess except I have a hunger." "For - ick - blood?" asked Debra Ann. "No," Nick shook his head. "For Souvlaki." -End-