Knight Moves (1/1) Date/Time: pre-dawn Thursday morning, July 19 Place: The Loft By Knightie Brooksie _______________________________________ Brooksie awoke and opened her eyes to the gray light of the early morning. <> she thought. Most of the Knighties were deep in sleep. The anniversary party at the Moose Lodge; the excitement at having the war premise resolved; and having Nick back all day Wednesday; eventually overwhelmed everybody and they finally crashed at 2am Thursday morning. The soft sounds of people sleeping were all around her. Brooksie put her hand out to pat her dog, Ginger, who always slept at her side, but the Golden Retriever was not there. She sat up and looked around the Loft. There was Ginger. Standing next to Nick as he gazed out of the window at the eastern sky with its announcement of the coming day. His hand rested lightly on Ginger's head and scratched her behind her ear. When he stopped, Ginger butted his hand with her nose, and he absently started scratching again. The Golden panted contentedly. Brooksie smiled, and as quietly as she could, eased herself out of her sleeping bag and walked over to where the vampire stood. He must have heard her, but he did not turn his head as she came to stand next to him by the window. His gaze was riveted to the first faint hints of pink and yellow. "Red sky in the morning, sailors take warning. Red sky at night, sailor's delight." She said quietly. Nick smiled. "I haven't heard that one in years," he said. "But there's no red in this sunrise, so it promises to be a beautiful day." His voice had a wistful tone to it. Then changing the subject he turned to her, smiled and said, "Those were quite some outfits you ladies had on Tuesday night. Whatever prompted all of you to wear leather? I almost thought you had left me for the Vaqueras." He raised his eyebrows expecting an answer. Brooksie smiled, blushed, and looked down at her bare feet. "I guess we all got caught up in the Vachon-in-Nick persona. He made quite an impact at the UF Party. You weren't there, were you?" Nick shook his head 'no'. "And I heard he had other adventures, too. But you'll have to ask him about those yourself." "I'm not sure that I really want to know." Nick looked doubtful. "He didn't do anything that I'm going to regret later, did he?" "Well," chuckled Brooksie, "the one thing that I can say for sure, is that you may regret that Vachon found those black leather pants. If we knew that you had a pair of leather pants in your closet, we Knighties would have made you put them on ages ago." She paused, gathering her courage. "You have a cute butt, Nick." "Indeed?" Nick sounded like his father there for a moment, so much so that Brooksie looked at him with some trepidation. But then his face softened, "Cute butt, eh?" Brooksie nodded. Nick smiled and put his arm around her waist. Ginger protested losing the hand that scratched her. Nick bent down and said very quietly into Brooksie's ear. "Well, then I guess I should wear them more often. But only for my Knighties! My brave and loyal Knighties." As she turned her head to look at him, he surprised her with a quick kiss. "And then there were those pictures that you posed for..." she added slyly. ***** END ***** Brooksie Knightie leader-in-training Graduate of War Eleven Univ. Nick Slacker Biker Babe