WAR: Knighties/DH/I: The Vampbear -- Full Pantry, Hungry Vampbear Follows: DH/I: The Vampbear -- My Double, My... Rescuer? Just previous to and concurrent with: War: Knighties/I Feeding the Bear Time: Some time Wednesday (July 11) Place: Nick's Loft Nick and the Knighties used by permission. The Vampbear is a real stuffed animal. Any conversation Nicky Nightmare would have had with me was cut short by the car coming to a screeching stop inside a buildings. "I don't know about this, bear," he told the bronzed-eyed fluffbrain as he unfurled himself from the Caddy's trunk. "My name is Nicolas, and I'm a VAMPbear, and I'm hungry. I could sink fangs into an entire pit of condemned bimbos just about now," I complained. Nicky looked at me as if I was crazy to have fangs. Is there any reason a vampbear *shouldn't* have fangs? I mean, if I didn't have fangs, I wouldn't be VAMP bears now, would I? Well, anyway, Nicky says something about having to lay out nighties for us before he can bring me up to some sort of pants closet that he thinks might have clothing in my size. I *knew* he'd be good for *something*! ******* a little later, somewhat impatiently ******* I should never of payed atten-huts to what Nicky Nightmare said about new clothes. While he's wearing just-out-of-the-package black silk nighties, there's nothing even remotely like that for me. Worse yet, I hear the sounds of a whole room of willing necks palm piloting with him, and I'm not invited :-(= Some host *he* is! Worse yet, he said something about keeping me safe an' inforcin' the Law an' so havin' to keep me hidden from view an so he says he has to put me in a pants tree (with NO FOOD) and lock me in the case the forcers come to get himnme both. He did *sound* a little worried, but I spect if he really cared he would've found someplace safe where I could actually get some FOOD after a coupla days. (Like a couple of the necks in the loft, maybe?) So here I am, having been tortured half to undeath, and get rescued only to be stuck in a people-food closet, of all things. Doesn't Nicky Nightmare understand that I need *BLOOD*?!?!?! I mean, he's a vamp -- it should be second nature to him... Oh, well, at least I have some* running an flying room. And the necks have to come in here *some* time for food... **************************** later yet **************************** Footsteps! I hear footsteps. Someone's going to come in, and I'm going to get some FOOD! A short brunette with very long hair came in looking for something. Brunette, *yum*. My favorite food! But long hair? Grrrrrr. Long hair may look nice and all, but I hafta work really hard to get to the *neck*, y'know whadday mean? Well, here I am trying to figure out how to get to her, and she spies me between a coupla bottles of soda. So I knock one over trying to get her a little afraid of me (you know how fear sweetens a meal! Yum!), and she starts looking at me in that "you're so *cute* manner that lotsa necks have, trying to grab me. Well, it may be a sippy straw rather than a bottle, but I'll take what I can get. *CHOMP* I only got a finger (#$%!) but I was so hungry I held on real tight and sucked really, really hard. She cried nicely, too, and tried to make me stop, but I kept on holding on :-)= Then she started beating me up and I had to growl a bit to make her understand she was NOT to hurt me... but I couldn't do that and chomp at the same time, so I had to let go. But she left the door open and I could FLY OUT and exbearcise a little bit (not that I need exbearcise, mind you, but sometimes people like to think you have to work to keeep a Devon Bear figure.) Well, I'm STILL HUNGRYan I remember that TV Nicky keeps *his* food in a fridgedairator, so I go off to find that... The bimbo screamed a couple more words of pain (blood is getting sweeter -- I can smell it!) and put fabric on the finger so I couldn't suck any more blood out of it. DAMN! Worse yet, here am I will clothes that have gotten cutted up and wreaked and she thinks more of bloodying up her finger than feeding ME!!!! Well, I'm hungry and she's fresh food and I'm going to get some more of her! My tracking senses are on "high" as I look for my best attack points... High -- that's the key! I'll attack from the balcony. It'll get me some good penetration into a nice, juicy vein. So I get a nice running start and then it's UP!! to the balcony. "No bear is going to run from me!" the bimbo said. Course, I'm not a *bear*, I'm a *VAMPbear*, so that didn't applicate. Now, here I am up on top of the partmints an getting ready to swoop down an get a nice chomp of her, and then ANOTHER bimbo grabs me, kinda from behind. Hmm... maybe I can get a sip of her, too? "Oh how cute!" Oh, barf! Why do they always have to call me "cute" when I'm being ferocious? "Gem! Watch out! The bear's possessed!" Brunette said. Gem? They named her after a generic jewel? They named a redhead after a generic jewel? I'd've thought they'd have chosen something like "Fire Opal" or "Carnelian" or something Indian like I see on Cued to Be Seen(1) -- or something spicy (truth in advertising and all that gobblerturkey)... "How can the bear be possessed?" A pragmaticist? Good! They make good targets 'cos they're always nice and unawares... And she did carry me back down to Long Hair... "It's evil! It bit me!" I'm a Vampbear. I'm HUNGRY. I eat. Evil has nothing to do with it. "How can a stuffed animal bite someone?" I'm not stuffed. I'm hungry; how can I be stuffed? And I'm not an animal. I'm a Vampbear. There's a diffbearence, in case you didn't notice. "Because it's not a normal bear! It's the spawn of vampires!" Of course I'm not a "normal bear". I'm a *Vamp*bear. And I'm not the spawn of vamp*ires*, either. "Oh, please!" Gemlady put me down on the counter and went to get something from the fridge while I went to get *her*. But SOMEBEARDY put something slippery up there, and it slid against my tattoo, and I lost my bearlance. Quick realign and land on my feet (typical vampbear recovery) and... *splat* my face saw linotype(2). Ouch! At the same time, Longlocks saw *me*. "It's moving!" she screamed. Red, on the other hand, gave me a hand righting myself so I could get better orientated to her. "I must have dropped it," she said. Thanks for not blowing my cover! "It didn't drop. It fell! It was running across the counter!" Yeah, and if someone had thought to clean up after herself, I wouldn't have -- now would I? (Hmm... wonder if I should sue for negligence while in protective custody... I wonder how many necks that could buy me?...) "Stuffed animals don't do that." "And I'm not a stuffed animal!" I yelled -- not that it made any difference. "I'm a HUNGRY VAMPBEAR!" Longlocks chose that moment to try to stake me with a chopping stick. I slipped behind Red for protection and... oooooooooohhh, nice bare stretch of arm, and I'm STILL HUNGRY. I don't even care that she's a redhead... *CHOMP* Trust a redhead to betray you, every time. She opened the door to the real-ultra-cold storage area and dropped me in. It's c-c-c-o-o-o-o-l-d-d-d in here, and my clothes are like half rags. *Brrrrrrrrrrr* But what's this? There's something hard in plastic that smells really yummy. I turn the thing over to read it's label. It's FOOD!!!! Maybe it's not brunette-straight-from-the-neck, but it's human blood. Frozen blood. Hey, Nicky's got bloodsickles in his freezer! Thank you, Nicky Nightmare! It's cold, and I'm frozen, but at least I've got some FOOD...... (1) QVC, a national-distribution television-based-shopping channel. (2) Linoleum (kitchen tiles).