Opposites Attract by Sandra Gray Place: The loft Time: Wednesday, July 11, 2001, early morning, two hours after "The Tradition Continues" Everyone used with permission "Hey, Sandra," said Nancy as she stepped onto the roof. "Hey, Nancy," Sandra replied. Nancy walked over to where Sandra sat and sat down beside her. "You're still worried about Nick." "I know he seems fine. But we don't know what caused his switches with Nat and Schanke. It could happen again." "That's true." She paused and looked up into the blue sky. "Nick's leaped into mortals both times." She turned her gaze back to Sandra. "You don't suppose someone's trying to cure him of his vampirism." "But that doesn't explain LaCroix and Screed." "True." "Nick could switch with a vampire next." "Like Screed?" "Ew, I hope not," said Sandra. Nancy smiled. "How bad could it be? At least he wouldn't want to eat us." "That's the only benefit," said Sandra. Nancy looked out toward the skyline. "Vachon would probably be laid back. Janette--well, she could get a tad upset. LaCroix now--" "I'd rather not consider that possibility," said Sandra with a shudder. Her eyes took on a faraway look as memories of being locked in the Raven's wine cellar with LaCroix in War 5 began to play through her mind. "But we have to," continued Nancy. "Opposites attract." Nancy's last words penetrated into Sandra's brain. Her mind racing, she pushed up her glasses and looked at Nancy. "What'd you say?" "That we have to consider the possibility of LaCroix leaping into Nick." "No, no, not that!" Nancy looked confused. "You said opposites attract!" Sandra jumped up. Nancy still looked confused. "Nancy, can the Faraday shield be magnetized?" "Yeah, sure. It's a wire grid. Why?" "I have an idea." "What kind of idea? I don't understand." "Nick's changed identities--souls--with Nat and Schanke. Maybe a magnetic field would keep *out* other personalities and keep *in* Nick's personality!" said Sandra. Nancy frowned. "There are magnetic ley lines in the earth. Ghosts and other strange things seem attracted to these lines." She began to pace back and forth in front of Nancy. "There might even be a ley line going through Toronto." Sandra halted. "Maybe that's why!" She pulled Nancy up from her seat. "Come on, we have to talk to the others." At a hasty meeting called by Katrinka Sandra explained her idea again. "Well, it's worth a shot," said Katrinka. "Nancy, what kind of stuff and help do you need to make the magnetic shield?" They began talking specifics. --Sandra Gray, forever Knightie --sandragray@rica.net