Knighties Try To Answer Questions Or Momma Never Told Me Wars Would Have Tests! By Knightie Katrinka Time: sometime during the FOD party Questions come from the WM's post. After getting the questions, the Knighties found an out of the way table. They put the paper in the middle. The Knighties huddled around it. "Anyone have a pen?" Tracey asked. Katrinka pulled what looked like a chopstick out of the bun she was wearing. She clicked the top, and suddenly a pen popped out the end. She stuck the now empty chop sick back in her hair. The Knightie leader realized that her faction members where staring at her. "What's wrong?" "Do you always hid pens in your hair?" Maria asked. "You never know when you need a pen." Katrinka shrugged. She wrote Knighties answers at the top of the post. "Okay, first question deals with Fan fiction, and the way it changes reality." Tracey read. Katrinka quickly wrote. "Reality is subjective. Facts are subjective. Real wars have been fought over something as little as a football game. No man's an island." "Kat, that didn't make sense." Eowyn said. "She didn't ask for the answers to make sense." Katrinka smiled. "Next!" "How do vitamins result in personality disorders?" Tracey read. "Everyone must know their ABC's to survive." The leader wrote. Maria snatched the paper from Tracey. "Mercs giving out free favors." "The Merc must have over dosed in chocolate." Katrinka scribbled. "Ice cream cones and physics." "Time is relative, lunchtime doubly so." "Asteroids?" "Unless we go into space, how do you know they are missing?" Katrinka smiled again. "This is fun." "You need to take this seriously." Nancy said firmly. "Who says war can't be fun?" "Wars are supposed to be serious!" Marla agreed. "This isn't a normal war." Katrinka pointed out. "Next!" "Llamas?" Maria read. "Knighties don't deal with livestock." Kat wrote. "I am from Oklahoma, I don't need no animals." "Old dead guys." "The Knighties aren't responsible for anyone's ancestors! If you can't keep them from rampaging, it's not our fault!" "Okay, transcendental motorbikes." Maria read. "Sorry, this war isn't supposed to have cross overs." Katrinka answered. "If you want to deal with transcendental motorbikes, please refer to the Doctor Who Novels. Ace has a great Transcendental Motorbike." "Moose?" "As stated before, Knighties don't deal with wildlife unless it's the Knightie members!" "Everything else that was written about the switches;" "42." "42? You can't answer something 42!" Nancy said firmly. "Of course I can! It's the answer to life, the universe, and everything!" "That's a crossover!" Gemsong agreed. "No it's not!" Katrinka put the pen back in her hair. She shoved the paper into Tracey's hand. "Turn this in please." "We can't turn it in!" Eowyn said aghast. "Sure we can!" "B-b-b-u-t, they won't take us seriously!" Mindy said. "Not my problem." The woman said blissfully. "I thought we where supposed to solve this war." Maria stomped her foot. "Oh, we'll do that. Once Sandra gets the box!" Katrinka got up. "Until then, let's party!" AIM KatrinkaKnighties Acting Leader of the Knighties