FoD: Hangover? Who said those cures worked anyway 1/1 author: Cindy Brewer time: July 7th 7 am place: The Happy Soluvaki Deli Cindy stumbled into the kitchen area of the deli and leaned back against the wall quickly shutting her eyes as the room started to spin. The next time she was at the Raven she was going to find that bartender and ask what the hell that green liquid was. She now knew how Nick felt when he came out of a flashback. Not fun. Cindy jumped three feet as a loud metal clang reached her ears. Wincing and placing her hands over her ears Cindy opened her eyes and glanced wearily toward the center of the kitchen. She found Spifff getting the Deli ready for the breakfast rush. Spifff spotted her and grinned. "Oh good you made it." The room rolled like the deck of the Titanic and Cindy reached out and grabbed the metal counter. "Is there a reason I'm here at the crack of dawn?" Spifff's smile widened. "The crack of dawn was two hours ago, give or take." "Spifff...." "Too much to drink at the Raven party last night?"Spifff inquired with a wide smile. Cindy placed a hand to her forehead. "I only had one drink....I think." Spifff turned to the blender on the smaller counter behind her and began putting various things in it. "I have just the thing to cure that....old family tradition." Cindy raised her voice to be heard over the blender. The thought of anything that resembled food or once was food made her stomach do the tango. "That's okay really...I just need some aspirin." "Top drawer by the sink."Spifff replied not shutting off the blender as she flopped a piece of spinach into it. "Thanks."Cindy replied gratefully as she crossed over and opened the drawer. "I don't remember much of the party after eight o'clock or so. Anything interesting happen?" Spifff nodded as she began to count inventory and check what stock they had. "There's definitely something weird going on." Cindy smiled as she leaned back against the sink. "It's a war." "I mean werider than normal."Spifff corrected as she pulled out a bag of flour. Cindy swallowed a couple aspirin. "Please tell me this isn't shades of war 8." Spifff shook her head. "Nope, no alternate characters but the main characters definitely weren't acting like themselves last night." Cindy raised an eyebrow. "Was it only vamps that seemed to be affected?" "No Tracy and Nat were acting weird also." Cindy moved toward the center counter. "Maybe we should tell Schanke to stay on alert." Spifff began to make pancake batter. "Not yet....let's gather some more info and find out what's going on. For all we know somebody could've just spiked the punch at the Raven." "Okay."Cindy replied as she leaned against the counter grateful that her head was pounding less. "Oh speaking of which."Spifff commented as she put down the whisk and turned back to the blender. She took off the top and got a glass out of the cabinet. Picking up the glass portion of the blender Spifff poured a healthy portion of the purple concoction into the glass and placed it in front of the FoD leader. "Here you go. One guaranteed hangover cure." "Why is it purple?"Cindy asked warily as she held up the glass to eyelevel. Spifff laughed. "Best advice--don't ask what's in it, don't smell it, just gulp it down." "If you say so."Cindy replied as she pinched her nose closed her eyes and downed the glass in three gulps. end