FoD: Are we sure this is a good idea? 1/3 author: Cindy Brewer time: July 16th place: the Moose Lodge and the FoD Mansion Still recovering from the UF bash the night before Cindy snuggled deep under the covers. Her head was killing her. It seemed the only time she ever drank that much was when she came to Toronto for Wars. Her radio alarm clock blared to life at 6:15 causing Cindy to jolt upright and plaster her hands against her ears and shut her eyes. The Toronto station she had found doing an 80's music marathon was currently playing 'Jesse's Girl' by Rick Springfield. Prying one hand away from her head Cindy fumbled for the off button on the alarm clock. Finally she slammed the button and silence returned. Cindy collapsed back onto the pillow and closed her eyes intending to sleep in when a thought worked it's way into her mind. "Oh my God."Cindy exclaimed with horror as she threw the covers off and sprinted out of the room. ******* "We better be getting attacked."Senara muttered darkly as Cindy barreled into her room and clicked the light on. Cindy knew she was entering the room at her own risk. Her friend had never been a morning person especially before seven a.m. But this was an emergency. "Senara!"Cindy called shaking her friend's shoulder. "What day is it?" Senara sleepily opened one eye and peered at her friend. "Are you channeling Nick or did you just drink too much last night?" "Senara!" Senara glared at her for the loud noise and slowly moved into a sitting position. The red haired woman glanced at her watch which showed the date and time. "It's Monday July 16th, 6: 23 a.m." Cindy moaned and covered her face with her hands. "Oh God that's what I thought." Senara not quite awake considering she hadn't had any caffeine yet and it was before seven looked at the FoD leader with concern. "What are you babbling about?" "Our party!"Cindy wailed as she tossed her hands up. "What party?"Senara asked crankily. "Myra and Don's anniversary party."Cindy explained. "We promised Don we'd throw it for them at the mansion tomorrow and we haven't done a single thing!" With a sigh Senara stood it was clear she wasn't getting any more sleep that morning. She placed a reassuring hand on her friend's shoulder. "Relax, Cin."Senara said with a yawn. "We'll get things together in time." Cindy shook her head as she leaned against the wall. "It's not possible. We haven't sent out any invitations...we need food sculptures....we have to clean the mansion it hasn't been used in I don't know how many wars....and...." Senara reached over and grabbed her friend's shoulders and shook them lightly. "Cindy, stop babbling. It's a war we can do anything in no time. As for catering we have the Deli remember?" Cindy shook her head slightly to clear it. "Oh, right." Senara yawned as she walked toward the door. "Let's rouse the others and have a planning session over breakfast. After the party last night I'm not doing anything without caffeine." to be continued in part two