FoD: Have Cruiser will travel 1/1 author: Cindy Brewer time: July 6th 5:35 pm. place: the moose lodge "I should've known the Ravenettes were going to throw a party this war they always do."Cindy moaned as she looked at the feeble contents of her suitcase. "I don't have anything near the range of the Raven dress code." "Let's see what you have."Senara replied as they stood in one of the back rooms of the moose lodge. "Maybe we can combine it with my stuff." "Guess what?"Kathy exclaimed as she and Leah entered the room. Kathy was holding a set of car keys. "Schanke's let us borrow their PT Cruiser so we can go to the party in style." Cindy's face instantly brightened at the thought of the Schanke's black PT Cruiser. "Cool! At least something's going right for this party." "What's wrong?"Leah asked just as Ron and Spiff joined them both already dressed. "Fashion crisis."Cindy replied with a weak grin gesturing to her suitcase. "I packed too quickly." "The FoD's are nothing if not resourceful."Kathy stated with a grin as she moved toward the suitcase. "We'll figure this out." ******* "That's perfect."Cindy commented twenty minutes later as Senara handed her a floor length black skirt and a short sleeved red shirt. "Well hurry up and put it on."Ron urged glancing at the clock. "At this time of night it'll take us a half hour to get from here to the Raven." Cindy nodded and scurried into the bathroom. Ten minutes later the FoD's had piled into the black PT Cruiser and were on their way to the Raven. Let the fun begin. end