FoD: Cheese, chocolate and Soluvaki author: Cindy Brewer time: July 6, 7:20 pm place: The Raven The FoD's were surprised to find a half way decent parking spot by the Raven. "I hope that's a good sign for the rest of the war."Ron commented dryly as they walked toward the entrance of the club. Kathy chuckled. "Wars are chaos have always been and always will be. Why should this one be any different." "Chaos is fun."Cindy interjected as she opened the door to the nightclub and stepped inside. Senara laughed. "I'll remind you that you said that when things start to get hairy." The loud music of the club instantly cut off any further conversation. Cindy motioned for the other FoD's to go mingle with the other factions. They nodded and began to spread out into the crowd. After a few moments of crowd watching Cindy made her way over to the bar and sat down. The bartender appeared and asked what kind of drink she wanted. Cindy told him to surprise her. After he left Cindy realized that the request left her wide open for an attack. But the Raven tonight was supposed to be neutral territory and Cindy was too tired at the moment to care if somebody spiked her drink. The bartender set her drink down and left. Cindy was relieved to see that it wasn't blood red. In fact it was an odd shade of bright green. Shrugging Cindy turned around on the stool and leaned back against the bar drink in hand. Just then Kathy and Senara moved up to the bar and sat down next to her. The music had lowered to a dull roar making conversation possible again. "So did you guys pick up any good war gossip?"Cindy inquired as she took a sip of the green liquid. Kathy nodded as she gave her drink order to the bartender. "Yeah, something really weird's going on." "Weird how?"Cindy asked. Senara shrugged. "We couldn't get too many details just that some of the main characters have been acting strangely." "Schanke was fine when we saw him today."Cindy countered. "Maybe whatever's happening hasn't affected Schanke yet."Kathy suggested as she took a sip of her drink. Senara leaned back against the bar as she waited for her drink. "Let's just relax and enjoy the party tonight. And who knows we might pick up more information about what's going on." Cindy downed the rest of her drink before saying. "If this is any weirder than War 8 I'm on the next plane back to the states." end