FoD: Was that a bounce? 1/1 author: Cindy Brewer time: July 14th, early morning shortly following Leah's post "a post without a clever title" place: the moose lodge Cindy groaned and laid her head down on the kitchen table. In reality she felt like banging her head against the table's surface but that required energy which she didn't have. "This is war 8 all over again."The FoD leader moaned as she closed her eyes. "No it's not."Kathy replied as she sat down next to Cindy and poured a bowl of cereal. "If this was war 8 we'd be chasing alternate Schanke's." "I'd rather have that."Cindy muttered. "It could be worse."Senara interjected sleepily as she munched on a bagel. "Schanke could've switched with Screed this time." "Don't even think that."Cindy ordered as she sat up and rubbed the back of her neck wearily. "We should have had the Deli open hours ago."Spifff stated as she joined them at the table. "It's a war, Spifff....we can set our own hours for the Deli."Cindy replied as she stood and walked over to the freezer. "Speaking of which."Kathy mused as she took a sip of coffee. "Maybe the Tracy switch is a good thing." "How so?"Cindy asked as she took a box of toaster strudel out of the freezer and popped one into the toaster. Kathy turned to face her. "She's a cop and has been through these switches like everybody else. Maybe she can help us figure out what's going on and how to fix it." Cindy yawned as she leaned against the counter. "Sure, why not, it's the only plan we have at the moment." end