Sorry for the backdating. Fighting a recalcitrant Internet connection from mom-in-law's house ===================================================== Vitamin U Redux by Cousin Tok Place: CERK Time: Saturday afternoon, the 14th After "Spicing Up the Blood (1/1)" For a while after Shelley and Arletta left her office, Tok mentally rehearsed how she was going to persuade Lacroix to try the asafetida. None of the scenarios she played in her mind had a happy ending. Two of the mortal Cousinly Kitties had joined her. Duncan stretched himself up and patted Tok's leg to get her attention. "Hello, sweetheart," she said as she scratched between his ears. "How's the handsomest black kittyboy in the world?" Duncan looked bored -- nothing like the time a couple of Wars ago when he'd dropped a glowing pink rat corpse on the General's head and lived to tell the tale. Willow, a petite grey female, was on Tok's desk, sniffing at the various things Arletta and Shelley had left. The vial of testing solution received a cursory sniff. A soft paw tapped the vial, knocking it over. Tok rescued it before it could fall to the floor. Willow then turned her attention to the jar of asafetida. The jar's seal was fairly tight, but the cat must have been able to detect some scent. She looked up at Tok. "Mrowr!" Knowing that Willow wouldn't give up, Tok shrugged and opened the jar to let Willow have a sniff. One was all it took. The poor cat jerked her head back and let forth a string of feline profanity. In her haste to escape, she leapt from the desk and landed squarely on Duncan. The two cats scrambled out the door as Tok replaced the lid on the jar. This did not bode well. Sighing, Tok picked up her phone. She'd just have to wing it, she decided as she dialed Lacroix's penthouse. As she explained to him that she had something to discuss about the switching problem, a strategy slowly formed in her mind. She scooped up the jar and the vial, and made a quick trip to the kitchen on her way to the elevator. * * * * * "What are you doing with *that*," growled Lacroix when Tok stepped off the elevator with a small plate of tofu souvlaki. "Don't worry, sir -- it's not for you. It's merely for demonstration purposes," Tok hastened to reassure him. Lacroix arched an eyebrow as Tok hastened to place it as far from him as possible. "You said you had something new to report?" "Yes sir. Shelley and Arletta have done some more research --" "NO. MORE. SOUVLAKI." Lacroix so seldom raised his voice that the effect was quite remarkable. "Of c-course not, sir." Tok couldn't help taking a step back. Or three. "They realized that the, um, souvlaki was an inefficient means of providing you with the vitamin U, so they decided to test the individual ingredients. They discovered that the real source is a spice called ..." Tok consulted her notes, "... asafetida. Apparently, it's been used to treat many of the same ailments that vitamin U is supposed to cure. I think it's been in use since Roman times, even." "That is what's in the jar?" He held out his hand, and Tok wordlessly gave him the asafetida. She flinched as he unscrewed the lid, remembering Willow's reaction. But Lacroix's reaction was unexpectedly mild. "Ah yes, I do recall this spice." "You do?" Tok squeaked. At his look, she said, "Of course you do, sir." "You said you had a demonstration for me, Tok?" Lacroix returned the jar to her and waited expectantly. "You may proceed." Tok placed the plate of tofu souvlaki on the table and placed a tiny amount of the spice on a second plate. "This testing solution," she held up the vial, "indicates the presence of vitamin U by turning the food blue. Electric blue, to be exact. The deeper the shade, the higher the concentration. If there's no vitamin U at all, the food turns another color." Tok placed a small piece of chocolate from a candy bar next to the souvlaki and applied some solution. The chocolate was now a brilliant hot pink. "Now the souvlaki." The sample turned light blue. "There's some in it, but not a lot. Now, with the asafetida ..." A drop of solution turned the asafetida a deep electric blue. "This is much more concentrated, so you wouldn't need to consume nearly as much. We think the supply in this jar could be sufficient. A pinch in a bottle of blood..." "Do you have any idea how that will *taste*?" Lacroix glared at her icily. "If we don't try, we'll never find out for sure if it works, will we? Or did you enjoy your time in Nick's body so much that you can't wait to see what happens next time? What if your next switch is with Schanke? Or Tracy?" Tok thought. She watched him move his gaze from the jar to the electric blue spice and back again. "I heard about what happened at the Shrine last night. The confrontation between you and the Egyptian." Lacroix's gaze snapped to her face. "You need to be yourself to deal with him. What if he finds you again, only it isn't *you*? What if you've switched again, with Nick or Janette or Natalie? They'd be at risk. Their faction would be at risk. *We* would be at risk. Isn't that worth a little discomfort to prevent?" Tok waited nervously to see how he reacted to her plea. After a considerable pause, he picked up the jar. "I will make the experiment." "Thank you, sir. I'll tell Arletta and Shelley." Tok started backing toward the elevator. "Say nothing of your last plea. Let them believe that I merely wish to avoid leaping into a mortal body." "Your secret is safe with me, sir." Cousin Tok and the Cousinly kitties / AIM Tokaara / ICQ 46441308