Title: Take Out Headaches (1/1) Authors: Cousin Shelley and Arletta Asbury Faction: Cousins Date: Monday, July 9th, 2001 Time: Just after 10pm Disclaimers: All participants used with permission. "I don't think this is going to work," Shelley announced. The two women were sitting at one of the small tables that bordered the dance floor of the Raven. The room itself was almost completely dark except for the flashing colored lights that played over the dancers. The alternating colors were clearly intended to add atmosphere, however, they were also beginning to give her a headache. "What did you say?" "I SAID I DON'T THINK THIS IS GOING TO WORK," she shouted, struggling to be heard over the loud music. The stabbing pain behind her eyes was becoming unbearable and she seriously wondered how they would be able to see the results of the Vitamin U test, if they attempted it under these conditions. "I AGREE," Arletta replied, "LET'S SEE IF WE CAN GET THE FOOD AS TAKE-OUT." --------- Back at the van Shelley surveyed the assorted ill-wrapped items, "I guess they're not used to people taking their sandwiches and appetizers home." "Sure looks that way. Is your headache better?" "Yes much. I just had to get away from that loud music and the flashing lights. "Then you won't mind making another stop on our way back to CERK?" "Where?" "As long as we're going to be testing food we've brought back there, we might as well pick up some more ... er ... at Taco Bell." Shelley just gave her a dirty look. **********