De-skunking Vamp-kitties by Cousin Tok Place: CERK Time: Wednesday afternoon, July 18th after "What Cousins Do Best (3/3)" Tok surveyed the array of tomato juice cans, the large washtub full of tomato juice, and the assembled vamp-kitties. Each of them would require one tomato juice bath and then a normal bath to be completely de-skunked and clean. She was beginning to realize the close quarters in the bathroom was a less-than-good idea, but unfortunately necessary. She went down her checklist. "Can opener? Check. Shampoo? Check. Wash cloths and towels? Check. Bandages and antiseptic? Check. List of next of kin? Check." Bathing a mortal kitty was a daunting enough prospect, but vamp-kitties? Tok shuddered. A gym bag (change of clothes) was shoved under the sink, as well as garbage bags to dispose of towels and her de-skunking outfit. Tok adjusted the breathing filter over her face, and made sure the door was securely latched. Then she drew on the long, sturdy rubber gloves and turned to her task. If the skunk smell hadn't been enough to persuade any remaining Cousins to avoid the area, the sounds emanating from the bathroom would have done the job quite nicely. Various growls, snarls, shrieks, splashes and cursing issued forth at irregular intervals. Finally, the door opened enough to allow the four damp but thoroughly de-skunked vamp-kitties to escape. As they scattered, the door closed softly. If anyone had been listening, weary giggling might have been heard. Eventually, Tok emerged with a securely tied, triple-bagged collection of de-skunking supplies. After depositing the bag out back in the alley, she stopped at the reception desk to remind Bonnie to tell Shelley that bathroom would need extra cleaning. Then, finally, Tok retreated to the Salon, where both the wet bar and the Cousinly Treasure-trove of Analgesics beckoned. Thank goodness the War was over! Cousin Tok and the Cousinly kitties / AIM Tokaara / ICQ 46441308