Title: Vegetarian Delight (1/1) Authors: Cousin Shelley and Arletta Asbury Faction: Cousins Date: July 10th, 2001 Time: Noonish Disclaimers: All participants used with permission. "How many restaurants have we tried to so far?" "I dunno I lost count," Arletta sighed, "and not a trace of vitamin U at any of them!" "There MUST be some of it *somewhere*." "I guess it's pretty obvious why there's this ... this epidemic of ... what was it called again?" "Personality Switching Disorder," Shelley answered. "Yes, I agree. I bet the whole town has the deficiency!" The two women were sitting at a booth within the Happy Souvlaki Deli, and they briefly scanned the menu. "Let's see, they have lamb souvlaki, beef souvlaki ..." "Tuna souvlaki, swordfish souvlaki," Arletta giggled. "Do we sense a pattern here? OH! They have VEGETARIAN souvlaki. Two kinds even!" she said happily. "Vegetable souvlaki and tofu souvlaki." Shelley rolled her eyes heavenward with an expression that clearly said 'give me strength'. "What can I get ya?" asked the waitress that had suddenly appeared. Arletta grinned, "one of everything on the menu." The waitress gave her a suspicious glare, "*everything*?" "Everything," Shelley echoed. --------------- A few minutes later there were plates of purple souvlaki, green souvlaki, magenta souvlaki, chartreuse souvlaki, and pink souvlaki covering their table. The waitress glanced in their direction several times, but seemed to think better of actually approaching the table. Various stares, pointing, and whispering could be heard from other Deli customers. Apparently, most of them had never considered chartreuse a good color for souvlaki. Arletta was happily eating the two vegetarian souvlakis, when Shelley politely *reminded* her that it was for *testing*. Reluctantly, Arletta stopped eating the vegetable one and stared wistfully at it. Shelley brought up the familiar eye-dropper with the clear liquid in it, and dropped it down on the dish. Everything on the plate turned shocking pink. The women sighed. "And the other," Shelley prompted. "No. It's mine." "Arletta!" With an expression like Shelley had just taken the last bit of food from a starving person, she dropped some of the testing solution onto the tofu souvlaki and watched it slooowly turn a faint blue. An Electric blue. They gasped in surprise and delight. "This is IT!" they both shouted. Several of the Deli's other patrons turned to stare. "We have it!" Shelley whispered, suddenly conscious of their audience. "No wait. We can't give that to Lacroix. It had *garlic* in it," Arletta hissed. Shelley waved the waitress over, "Can I have an order of ..." "Tofu souvlaki," her friend supplied. "Tofu souvlaki without any garlic in it. I'm ... allergic to garlic," Shelley lied. "*Without garlic*," the waitress echoed disbelievingly. "It wouldn't be true souvlaki. It would taste, well maybe not terrible, but pretty bland. No! Let me find you *something* else. Now let me see..." "No!" Shelley insisted, "I *want* tofu souvlaki without garlic!" The waitress sighed and headed for the kitchen, muttering something about strange customers during wartime. ------------- After the special order of garlic-free tofu souvlaki also turned electric blue, they ordered several dozen more as carryout, and headed happily back to CERK. ***************